As a randomizer sicko this is a recommendation targeted at me. I was considering picking this game up for an upcoming trip, but then I heard about the egregious performance issues and battery drain particularly on launch models and undocked, and I have a launch model… Will have to look into if the game’s gotten patched when my trip approaches.
I have a very high tolerance for framerate drops and the like, so I don’t think I ever noticed it except for maybe one instance, but if you’re more discerning than me on that front, I think it’s likely to be a rough time for you, especially on a launch Switch. There was a recent patch of some kind (saw it briefly when firing up the system) but no clue what it addressed.
Oh yeah, I usually have a high tolerance for choppy performance and I’m especially used to it on the Switch, but with this game I saw reports of it outright making overheat warnings kick in on docked systems and draining undocked battery in record time. That was at launch so hopefully it’s been patched…
I kind of let myself publish this at a point where it feels “unfinished” and honestly feel kind of scared about that! Could make another good post, really…