Any mtg heads? look over my decks

i’m going to a sealed prerelease for inistrad remastered tomorrow night with da meatspace polycule !! :O have never built decks on the fly OR played against anyone not in my polycule or my friend patrick so i’m Fear but Excite !!!

watchign this vid now also LOL


Hell yeah I too am doing a Sunday draft.

Profs video def helps and a good resource, but I fear I may be grabbing things I need for decks rather than playable in the draft.

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tbh that’s Also Fair imo !!!

i rly don’t know what to expect exactly since this’ll be babby’s first prerelease but :O

Yeah mines a draft, but I’ll be honest I prefer sealed when you build from a number of packs you are given.

I haven’t done too many drafts either to have strong enough opinions

i will be playing EDH on Saturday… wish me luck


I just got out of my shell and played randos absolutely lovely experience! Wish it goes well for you as well.

Also I won a duskmourn promo pack in a raffle. Got me a mother fucking Mondrak!

It lives in the Mr. House deck now, sorry not sorry



i got my ass beat lol but it was FUN. pulled a classic style liliana of the veil and sold her for store credit after the night was over LOL.

in other news, i completed my first deck! … and am immediately making changes to it LOL. my bat commander deck is MOSTLY complete >:3


Very nice! My draft was literally dog shit, ended up playing werewolves and got obliterated.

Doing commander night tonight and boy do I need it.

Nearing ever so closer to completing my Hydras as a few more expensive pieces are coming my way:

  • Chimil the inner sun
  • Banner of Kinship
  • Russian Language Torment of Hailfire
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my first prerelease is gonna be for aetherdrift on friday!

gf and i have been getting into foundations jumpstart booster decks, good way to ease me back in. now i’m knee deep in MH3 and group chats about commander decks.


Very nice! I was debating and decided to continue buying singles instead of buying into pre release.

Speaking of got some singles and bloomburrow coming in da mail:


Opened 6 packs of Bloomburrow and we pulled some heat

I don’t feel dumb pulling an innkeepers talent after buying one mid last year. The price on those things were rising, but now I have 2 and one just gets to go on living in the binder for now.


:mushroom:: i just
found two booster boxes FULL of packs (War of the Spark and Guilds of Ravnica) just
in our house in a box
also a modern horizons pack, a few hour of devestation packs, and 2 convention mystery boosters
why do we have these
why havent they been opened in 4 years
what happened here???

edit: thats like 300 USD worth of packs what the fuck

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Yooo that’s sick! Do post pulls if you crack any of em.

Meanwhile on my side of the world, last night I finished a little pet project which I took to the LGS and it works insanely well!

This was mostly sparked by a desire to play with other people’s cards but it has a bit of everything: Clones, Theft, Voltron, Ramp, Sacrifice

One of the games I got to test with absolutely went off against the Necron Warhammer precon.

The player dominating the game absolutely built one of the widest board states I’ve ever seen. By the time it was just me and him, I’m just sitting at 10 hp. I did a funny little 10 mana combo to leave him with my just my Birds of Paradise and steal game through combat damage.

The combo:

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:mushroom:: i probably wont just bc like. thats a Lot of bulk to deal with after the fact LMAO
and there’s not really anything exciting i could pull, so
no clue what im gonna do with them

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