Auldnoir: Dream Diary

My dream last night involved me heading out west for a time, I recall walking through a gas station during this time. Getting back home, I was greeted with two notes from a family member–one being several sentences calling me an “asshole” for not taking their call when they were in Mexico, and another just calling me a slur.

Then it was Thanksgiving with the whole family, where the aforementioned event led to me being upset when around others in the family at the house. I tried talking to my mom about it when she was walking upstairs, but she angrily insisted she was taking a nap in the bedroom, and ignored me.

Then when I went back downstairs, I somehow saw her standing in the kitchen like nothing happened, so I got her attention and she agreed to talk with me outside. Opening the front door, the wind suddenly got really hard for no reason, and we had to take shelter inside.

The whole gang knew something was up by this point, so we investigated, going upstairs where my mom went for a nap. Going into the bedroom, we came across some horrendous eldritch thingy that was apparently the true form of the version of my mom that angrily shut me out before–the version downstairs was the real one. It was pretty scary and that’s as far as I can recall.

Another dream involved me playing the SNES version of Faceball 2000, except instead of just the Smiloids, you could also play as/against certain Pokémon, despite this game being a few years before that franchise started. I recall being able to play as Jynx, going through a Mortal Kombat-style gauntlet of enemy Jynxes.

I also recall a dream where I was with some extended family in a hotel in Greece. I had my own room, and I tended to have trouble getting around the rest of the place. I recall one particular moment where I was in a near-pitch black hallway, hovering an inch or two above the floor, making a dashing motion as I moved forward. Soon I saw the lobby right behind me, and backed up to see my folks standing in a line.


what a delightful Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia bit of a dream

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I dreamt that I accidentally overslept something I was planning on doing by about eight hours
also for some reason I was able to like see it happening from the air while not being there
it was peculiar


My dream last night involved me being back in high school. One scenario was that it was Halloween, and everyone was outside in their costumes, which were mostly characters from anime or Ben 10. The path to get inside the school building was blocked off by a huge structure of playground equipment that made the walk back inside way longer than it should’ve been.

After that, I recall being in the foyer, playing some Microsoft Word-looking stick figure fighting game that was apparently based off the engine for the Amiga version of Turrican.

Then there was a long night in the auditorium, where they were doing Christmastime skits. The audience wasn’t the most sitting-down type, and that was reflected in my cousin, whose dad called him “Jimmy”, going tubing throughout the halls and eventually through the auditorium. When Jimmy got reprimanded for it, I felt bad too, because I was beside him encouraging it.

Jimmy also launched himself to the stage when there was a singer doing a solo act. He managed to draw the audience’s attention, but when the singer was finishing up, she just kicked him off to the side and continued her exit.

There was also a skit involving Rudolph’s home cave in the original Rankin-Bass special, where it was flooding, and the auditorium actually started flooding, leaving at least half the audience underwater (somehow still sitting in their seats), and a staff member had to cut the skit short because of that.

I also recall actually having to get to class at school. I was on some hiatus for a while, so I was hastily perusing the old planner to deduce my next class during the period transition.


:mushroom:: had a twitter argument in our dream tonight. Bad!
We were writing jokes for a comedy article in a newspaper or something and struggling with the punchline when two writers stood up and started going into deep “liberal versus laborist theory” so i blame heavenly tyrant for this
I kept trying to get them to Stop Talking for 30 Seconds which just started an argument about whether we should be exhaustively versed in obscure political theory just to make haha topical funny jokes or not
Terrible dream, woke up unsatisfied and angry like i just had a real twitter argument




Ever since the pandemic I’ve been getting frequent high school dreams, but they’re not the usual “you need to do a presentation and didn’t study” type. Instead its something like “all my (now adult) schoolmates decide to go to high school again, and since we already know everything we can just cruise through the classes” type. I also only go to the classes I want to, since it doesn’t matter if I fail or not.

Weirdly enough, they don’t feel good when I wake up. Its like a weird way of nostalgia poisoning, regressing like that?


Just woke up from a nap in which i dreamed i was playing with toys like when i was a kid. Also had a model that just like appeared?

I should build one of my models today


More of a snippet than a long story, but I dreamed I should read the Youtube comments on my dream uploads and the only one was an Anonymous posting “send more vids”


My dream last night involved a palindrome along the lines of “sinussissunis”.

Also some involved going through Minecraft versions dated back as far as 1990 (somehow) at my cousin’s house. And also some workout gym in Greece that mentioned having machines that run on the OG Pentium at 90MHz. And also some cafeteria line with mostly ice cream and just a tiny bit of hot meal. And being driven home in some truck from a Minecraft-like games club at a supermarket. And seeing that my dad loaded his mailbox with a ton of packages of ice cream.


Dreamed I was watching Gladiator, but it was a very badly coordinated dub. The scene was the big reveal speech, but not only was the dialogue stilted it also came out as “My… … … …name… … … … … … isMaximusDecimusMeridiusCommanderoftheArmiesoftheNorth” because the voice actor was struggling to fit all the words into the mouth movements.

Also right after the speech, the reaction from Emperor Joaquin Phoenix was to do something like a Transformers One gag, stare a bit then turn around and run away, except his butt was out too