thanks everyone, some takesaways:
pull back on the newsletter
i’ve come to realize that i’m putting a lot of pressure on myself with the newsletter which is completely going against the grain of why i switched from a traditional blog to a digital garden in the first place. gonna either switch to biweekly or only put it out after i’ve had a bunch of stuff collected along with the usual link-sharing i’ve been doing
themed days
gonna take Tue/Wed for myself from now on and not hang out in the discord chat in the evenings like I usually do (love y’all but M/Th/F should be enough lol). Unless i’m using the focus together channel I made, so I can get some stuff done.
go easier on myself
i very holistically looked at what i’ve been up against lately:
- planning a wedding
- planning a trip for that wedding
- trying to sell a car
- getting a new boss that’s basically tripled my workload
- taking care of my mom while she’s been a little more sick than usual
i have decided that, per @sharksonaplane, I am in fact doing a lot compared to my life events. I’m going try and make a “BQ Value” or something like that to compare against my creative output. If I’m at a 7/10 then it makes sense that i’m at a creative output level of 3/10 in response.
very helpful, thanks again everynyan (stealing this from @silas lol)