Daily Games Thread

Found a new daily game in a tweet and figured people here might enjoy it!

I got 6/7 today, I’d literally never heard of “cone peppers” lmao

5/7 :pensive: this seems fun tho!

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oh wait this is all kinds of stuff, not just birds. Ok cool, neat game, checking it out now!

7/7 woooo great start!


Lmao plagiarized

got 6/7 also

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4/7, cheated myself by clicking the spoiler but gave the answer I would’ve without it

6/7 and immediately added to my bookmarks of daily games

got 5/7, this is fun!!! :O

five out of seven

My choice of daily games currently are Puzzmo and the NBA Immaculate Grid. Puzzmo is nice because it’s a mix of familiar and cool new ones. Really Bad Chess is fun to do once in awhile, but I enjoy the a few of the word games more. Sometimes pile-up Poker scratches an itch on there.


I like:

it lets me showcase my freak (i’ve gotten the past few in two or fewer)


Somehow got today’s in one based purely on vibes LMAO i’m usually dog shit at guess the game (Not even a game i’ve ever played either, this was just luck)


My dailies:
alphaguess - guess a word based on whether it comes before or after your previous guess in the dictionary
redactle - guess a wikipedia page by guessing the redacted words (has multiplayer support!)
qwertl - wordle with one less guess but it also tells you if the target letter is next to the one you guessed on the keyboard
worldle - guess the country based on its shape

I used to dabble in Pokédoku but got bored of it real fast.

I do Murdle, I used to do some of the Trainwreck Labs games (mostly Globle, Globle Capitals, and Metazooa (which is hard but Metaflora is even harder for me :smiling_face_with_tear: ) but now I save them to do together with chat on stream occasionally instead.

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I really like Gamedle because my brain is broken.

I also like Squirdle which is Pokemon Wordle. Guess the pokemon and it’ll let you know if the type is wrong, generation is up or down, and same for height and weight. It’s fun.

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Oh this is fun, I like how it’s more forgiving than Pokedoku and others like it

I’ve just found out about

its too hard for my smooth brain, but I enjoyed making an attempt


ohhhh I love this. took me a moment to understand part of the rules (smiles are zero) but after that it fell together nicely. took about 25 minutes.

my only wish is that they had an undo button that isn’t “undo literally everything, just start over, you worm” because remembering the exact steps I took to test something is occasionally a challenge (and it doesn’t qualify as bifurcation necessarily).

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