Dragon's Dogma 2 - Wolves hunt in packs

I lured one across a bridge and then cut the rope to drop it into the water, it was pretty cool

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Do bridges that get cut stay cut or do they get restored over time?

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Breakables get restored after a few days, according to the game itself–not 100% checked myself tho


Yep they come back but my pawn was like “great we lost our route, I’m pissed.” Like hey man, we weren’t even going that way, relax


On an unrelated note, the phrase “taken by the brine” has immediately become a joke between me and my friend because of how stupid it sounds.


Finally got into the Brothel. It’s not fucked up but it’s a little fucked up.

There’s three floors and all the Beastren prostitutes are on the basement floor.



We cannot expect gleaming treasures 'round every corner!

yepppppp had a dude in the noble’s quarter basically start talking about the one drop rule lol

I never really played dd1, so coming into 2, honestly, the whole pawn thing has got me on edge the entire time anyway lmao

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I threw him into the sea. Then I went to Battahl and was called a race traitor for being a porridge-eater who lives in Vermund.

Got mystic spear but now I gotta be an adult so I won’t be able to try it out for a while


Im 30 hours into DD2 and as a massive fan of the first im extremely pleased. Its crazy how after 12 years they tapped back in like no time has passed. I hope the pc performance issues get fixed, on ps5 ive only had minor dips in framerate.

Very attached to my pawn who i might make my arisen in ng+

And heres her ID if anyone on console wants to use her: D0SSYGFQID5F

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Not half as far as all of that, but I’ve tried out the first few classes (default 4 + warrior/sorcerer) to like rank 4-5. Just about everything feels good, which is a real trick, I never liked playing the casters in DD1.

I didnt like them much in 1 either but jm excited to try them in this

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spent the morning trying out mystic spear and it goes hard once you get some skills. you basically get to play force unleashed. the invuln shield is unbelievably busted as long as you have stamina too. and the teleport slash can help you auto-grab big monsters. solid kit so far and I’m only at level 4 with the vocation

my only issue is that the slow-mo bullet is kind of hard to aim thanks to the lack of manual lock-on

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upcoming patch:

hope the DLSS stuff helps with PC performance. at this rate I’m just getting used to it lol

at level 5 you get the kamehameha

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They made two major changes:

  • For both Sorcerer and Mage, as of level 2 (I don’t know why it’s not built in tbh), you can hold RB to speed up casting by spending stamina.
  • Mage gets Anodyne as just like, a class feature. Press Y to Anodyne, you were gonna take it anyway so they just built it in. Sorcerer instead gets “supercharge stamina recharge”, so you’ve got a cool cycle with it where you’re blowing through stamina hard by quickcasting as above and then recharging with their active.

Way more dynamic in both cases.


The shield is so good. Also the fully charged spell casts slow on the mob and lets you do a finisher on them

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