Dragon's Dogma 2 - Wolves hunt in packs

Maxxed out trickster and it really is the tank class. i find it really fun but you gotta be so ok with not doing damage yourself. Its basically this games summoner class with your pawns acting as your summons. The damage boost you can give them is honestly ridiculous.

Once my pawn maxes out the sorcerer vocation im gonna try a team of three of them do see how much damage i can get.


The two times I took Trickster I got my ass handed to me by Skeletons. Looks like I gotta get back in there though because this sounds really cool.

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just found out there’s a mod that lets you hold a button for four more abilities…that sounds cool as fuck i might throw that in tbh.


I would buy dlc that is like, a new town, a megadungeon, and some new vocations. Maybe new pawn natures too.


I haven’t played 1, but isn’t that what Dark Arisen is more or less

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Just about!

No town :frowning:

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It sadly lacks much to use til rank 3 or 4. Also enhancing your censor is a must. Did you grab dragon delusion from the maister? It can help keep things off of you

Early on i would the summon the mimic, throw up a wall and then taunt because it forces mobs to run around to get to it. The most frustrating part of trickster is if you get hit, your mimic disappears and you have to resummon so getting quick with repositioning it helps. You can also run around with it on your back to lure mobs around.

I usually run

  1. Sweeping/suffocating shroud - your aoe taunt, the ugrade has massive range.
  2. Aromatic rally/resurgence - this is the pawn buff and is a must imo
  3. Latching/binding effigy- you launch your mimic to possess a mob, everything aggrod will attack this mob.
  4. Dragons delusion- with max enhanced censor this is basically a huge aoe stun/knockdown/fear. Knocks gryphons out of the sky (havent tried it on drakes yet) trips ogres and cyclops etc

Fickle floor is another fun one. On clIffs it makes mobs jump off but if you place it on the ground it makes them trip.

Also it seems like your magic and strength score both matter? I believe strength effects how strong your taunt is and magic determines its health

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Oops thats long LOL

you’re on a FORUM it’s FINE!!!


Realizing i accidentally replied to myself LOL

Played a little more Trickster and Mystic Spearhand. Shame that Trickster takes a while to come online! Also crazy how central Speargonne is to MS.

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When Trickster hits it really hits for me but it sucks that it happens so rarely

that’s a lotta dosh.

for context, DD1 hit 6 million in 10 years


I found the sphinx and these puzzles are fucking bonkers


The Sphinx riddles are the perfect vertical slice for DD2’s design philosophy. I absolutely adore them.

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@idid @Scampir

yeah i agree with this, they’re probably some of the coolest quests i’ve ever seen in a game

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this is actually super cool lol @mordread did u know about this

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I had to look up time of day for something and had my mind blown. Fucking wild choice.