How four expensive cards imploded Magic: The Gathering’s most popular format


the day nerds manage to be even remotely normal about buffs/nerfs/bans in their favourite thing, I will pass away from disbelief

anyway sol ring should be banned in commander

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I’m considering getting into mtg or pokemon next expansion so I’ve been watching a lot of youtube videos. It was surprising to find how much of the community is involved in playing an investment game as opposed to playing the card game or just collecting. Especially with pokemon, I need to use very specific search words to find people actually playing the game instead of talking about how valuable specific cards or future sets will be.


it’s been painful watching this happen to video games but it does still catch me by surprise in a kind of “oh right, these weirdos exist” kind of way.


I can only really speak for MTG but I promise there are people out here still playing the game. I promise :sob:


Now that’s a spicy meatball!!

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look into your heart. you know it to be true.

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Oh for sure, the YouTube community definitely doesn’t describe the entire community for either. It’s much more present in the YT Pokemon community though. It was rough trying to find good tcg games to try and see how pkmn players think. Whereas it was very easy to find, for example, games of dino decks in mtg with an explainer at the start as to how the deck worked.


Really depends. I don’t have an issue with faster magic, i just think if that’s going to be the case, everyone has to be in the same page.

Before my old roommate left, consequently removing magic from my immediate friend group, we played all competitive edh with proxy cards and it was fun. But bc everyone was at the same level, it was a lot more fun and much harder for one player to run away with it. I’m your average commander game, that can be more difficult.

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I’m just of the opinion that if something is an autoinclude in every single deck it should probably be banned LOL


I honestly feel like in every competitive situation, there’s a small group of people whose only desire is to hands-down win every game with as little effort possible no matter how unfun it becomes for everyone else, and these are the most vocal whiners and absolutely the people to ignore.


Yep. It’s also a problem with graduating things from an unofficial format to an actual format though, by doing that you kind of legitimate people who like…want to win the game and that’s their main goal?

Like a lot of “there are too many people looking at this” problems, it’s a pretty easy problem to solve if you’re not WotC (just keep everything casual and you can tell those kinds of people off) and a pretty intractable problem to solve if you ARE WotC because they want to capitalize on this thing they barely had a hand in making without making people hate it.


Yeah it’s been so weird seeing magic players talk about the bans under a lens of “oh those people lost so much money they invested in that deck” like… what?
Like, Yugioh player so stones at glass houses and all but, if a card costs more than a DS game… just buy a different card, you don’t need the best card


or: accept the beauty of proxies into your life honestly. I own some expensive cards but it’s because I wanted to own them (special treatments or whatever) not because they’re good LOL


Replace EDH format with 5 point star format. Let’s get that politicking going.

this is like trying to understand a second language fr


a pretty intractable problem to solve if you ARE WotC because they want to capitalize on this thing they barely had a hand in making without making people hate it.

Yeah, this has also been troublesome for Wizards because Commander is THE most popular format. I can think of 10 people who got into or BACK into magic b/c of it just off the top of my head. Now that they own the format, I think we’re gonna see some wild attempts to make the format into a big money maker for them and any other format is going to be sort of an afterthought.


I will literally die first


how would you feel if I told you there’s a speed faster than instant


word I was one of those people. I was totally sick of standard magic and EDH revived my interest big time. it’s just better.