Mods/romhacks by a Li'l Bunny

Over the past several years, I’ve dabbled in numerous romhacks/mods of varying complexity. Here’s much of what I’ve done:

Metroid Google Translate Editions
Versions of Metroid games where nearly all text is thrown through multiple translations on Google Translate.

Samus Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk
Experimental low-effort hacks involving Samus getting milk for Adam in some way. They lack in substance but have a following on RetroAchievements anyway.


GB->GBC Colorizations, aka “DX hacks”
Pretty self-explanatory. These are my most-known works.

BONUS: I had a hand in some of the technical work for the fan translation patches of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Adventure Squad Games for WiiWare! I’ve been friends with SpecialAgentApe, the leader of this project, ever since, and his later work with Donkey Kong Land is what inspired me to start doing GB colorizations.




these go hard as fuck


It is not always good on the internet

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Recently looked through an old ideas doc of mine, and been eyeing these Metroid Fusion hack ideas I had back in 2020. None of these ever materialized as-is, but as I was beginning to work on what I had going for 03/01/2020, I ended up backing off a bit from the big scope and doing something more like 02/27/2020. Thus was the creation and release of the original Samus Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk, on the night of 03/02/2020, all within a few hours.


Metroid Fusion Pacer Test. Starts once dropped out of the ship. Clipdata that detects if you’re at the finish or not in time.

Or…maybe something similar that utilizes the countdown timer, resetting it after every room warp.


Fusion mini hack objective–infiltrate the scary hideout place and recover the ultra dangerous power bombs of death. Maybe if any are used, mission failed. Or maybe that’s a dumb idea, but an interesting use of the event tweak.

Okay okay so it’ll be a very mini hack with only this selection of items I think: Morph, missiles, bombs, charge, PBs at the very end.

SUDDENLY ANOTHER HACK IDEA–Metroid Fusion slide thing with treadmill–oh wait it doesn’t have that patch, nevermind I guess.


Metroid Fusion Stadium–Boss Rush with the event tweak and some nonlinearity in choosing bosses. Event checks via bomb blocks to ensure it all works.

Zone 0:

Arachnus comes first for morph.

Zone 1:

Charge core, Zazabi, Serris, Varia core

Zone 2:

BOX, Wide core, Yakuza

Zone 3:

Nettori, Nightmare

Zone 4:

BOX 2, Ridley

Final Zone:

Omega Metroid