This is coming out just in time because our current Switch fan is starting to die and it sounds like a vacuum cleaner going whenever we play a game. I have tried opening it up and cleaning it out so many times but I think it just can’t handle all the cat hair Was on the fence about sending it in for repairs or just waiting for the Switch 2, and, well, hooray!
Holy shit like I knew it had to happen eventually but it’s kind of weird that it actually did. ykwim?
It’s so funny that they took forever to announce It’s Another One But Slightly Better
I just hope one of the ways in which it is slightly better is eliminating stick drift. In retrospect, it’s what made me put the thing away for years now. I just cannot have a fun toy require actual physical maintenance every few weeks
Genuinely the things required for me to get this anywhere close to launch is a convincing exclusive and a better stick situation on controllers, so my wallet is safe for the time being lmao
yeah I will not be picking this up unless there’s a REAL good exclusive announced. I love my Switch but I don’t really play demanding games on it, so Switch Again But Stronger isn’t a must-buy for me.
safe to say that if the One Game shown off in the first-look is a launch title, it won’t matter if there’s nothing else at launch bc it’s an immediate system seller.
Said it on bsky but Nintendos creativity died with iwata, this is so boring and I doubt there are any truly interesting new features. The switch had fucking nothing - no play log, no streetpass, no swapnote, no themes, nothing. I expect this to be just as sanitized and safe after the Wii U scare.
you are probably right but it’s more abt the games for me personally. I have bought a system for One Game in the past and I’ll probably do it again.
So far they haven’t (I think) confirmed yet whether the new sticks are Hall-effect or not, but it makes sense that they would be Hall effect (or some other way to get rid of drift), since Joycon drift has been such a thorn in their side and Hall sticks have been used in 3rd-party joycons for years now.
- makes sense
- Nintendo
Choose one
If they’re putting magnetic connectors in the controllers but not making the sticks hall-effext then I have no idea what the thought process is. You’ve already got the magnet there!
- thought process
- Nintendo
really what I want to know is: how will the cartridges taste
have any of you heard that the joy cons can be used as mice? which this trailer all but confirms?
I did see that going around, it’s a little intriguing. Would make ports of mouse-heavy games a lot easier to play if it works well!
have heard that but am dubious about it being…good, I guess.
I said elsewhere that if they were gonna bother at all with that, it was time to release another branded mouse and Mario Paint 2.
(ngl that would be a Day 1 buy for me)