the reviews for Snyder’s absurd Director’s Cut of his last two bad movies are coming out and I find it extremely amusing how detailed the writers are about what a difference it makes, and how much more characterization and story beats there are, making the whole thing feel much more cohesive, and yet in every review you can still find it, sometimes in a single line, maybe two, that these are still very bad movies no matter what
The AV Club wrote 2500 words on it. Here are the only ones that matter
But even though Chalice and Curse are finally functional films, they are not excellent ones. We now have six more hours of evidence that Snyder doesn’t understand Seven Samurai .
Imagine putting your best out, having multiple reviewers go through 2 different versions of 2 movies, essentially watching 10 hours of footage, and the best they can say is that they’re “functional films”
finally, we’ve found “the movie of all time”
it finally happened: someone put me in a callout post (for stating verifiable facts about them and things they had done in the past, and also for being slightly exasperated with their behaviour once eight and a half years ago)
cute but very hard little game i stumbled upon. perfect for ur phone
phone game you say???
idle thought: it’d be cool to be a full-time prof and start a fg club for the school. i know i’m dreamin’ big but i think it’d be neat.
remember when link fucked it up with that dance in majora’s mask, that was pretty cool
Fuck it up! Fuck it up! Fuck it up! Fuck it up!!!
he really fucking threw his whole ass into it and I appreciate that
I emailed them and they removed the section about me lol. hopefully that’ll be the end of it.
Why am I fiending for roguelikes after usually not liking them wtf
Well, you see, New York is bustling and full of buildings that are hundreds of years old, and it’s so dirty and rough. So I decided when making a song to capture the spirit of the city, I decided to add a Duduk
Shosple colupis is a permanent part of my wife’s and my vocabulary
watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre with our wife and he mixed up Leatherface and Clownpiece while talking which i think is really good. Legacy of Chainsaw Kingdom…
I spend every single day at work approximately this close to telling my coworkers to go fuck themselves. I wish there was a way to explain ‘when you talk to me like I am stupid it makes me want to peel off all my skin and go jump in the ocean’ without sounding like I’m insane
@spinning-valiant somehow one has invaded my local area and seems to get shittier looking every time I see it.
My knowledge continuously grows on their failure points and structural weaknesses. The temptation grows to uppercut the side mirrors like it’s an SF2 Bonus Stage.