This must be the work of an enemy Stand! - Let's Play JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User

Part 6: Bugs on a Plane

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Recap: If Dio isn’t defeated within 50 days, Holly’s own Stand will kill her. Cascada has signed on to this mission, For Great Justice. But she does need to tell her family that she’s going to spend her summer vacation traveling to Egypt to hunt down an evil vampire.

She gives us some Sweets (25%+10 HP/SP), probably the most consistently reliable healing item across the entire game. Good kid.

Pops gives us 1000G, enough for twenty (20) drinks from the vending machine outside. Travel expenses indeed.

Now you may think from this option that stomachaches or getting sick might be something we need to keep an eye on; you’re not supposed to drink water in places you aren’t used to, after all. They aren’t.

I wouldn’t call this a trap per se, but if you pick the first option, you have declared to the game to make you susceptible to the Stomachache condition, which can force your character to run to a bathroom while in the field. The Sickly trait is worse, because it creates an invisible exhaustion variable that can land you in the hospital (expensive) or force you to rest and skip the timer forward a day. There are actual reasons you might pick these, but definitely not on a first playthrough.

Cascada is The Machine anyway. She don’t need no stinkin’ medicine.

And for our final order of business before leaving Japan, we hit up the 7-11 to stock up on some travel essentials.

A girl’s gotta be prepared.

Speaking of, fighting off more Murderdolls on the street gets Cascada to Level 6, where we get the Laser Beam skill; our first all-targeting attack. The Machine’s ascent to power continues.

Let’s hit the road!

Dio: Looks like they’re coming… to Egypt… Joseph… and Jotaro… is it…

In the manga/anime, Dio is using something akin to Joseph’s Stand here (thorns, spirit photography) to spy on the party. The implication is that it’s Jonathan Joestar’s Stand.

Impressive cobbling together of a plane from tile assets, honestly. The cloud background also constantly undulates, creating a decent sense of motion.

Joseph: Watch out… I have a feeling we might have some unwanted company aboard this plane…

Right on cue, a giant fucking beetle appears.

I hate bugs. One time in Malaysia when I was about 11-12 years old, an Atlas moth landed directly on my chest and that shit put the fear of God in me.

Japan loves contrasting rhinoceros beetles (kabutomushi) and stag beetles (kuwagatamushi). Think Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon, Metabee and Rokusho, Kamen Rider Kabuto and Kamen Rider Gatack.

Joseph: Ugh… it’s somewhere in the seats… A bug inside the plane? That’s definitely not normal!
Abdul: W-where is it!?

Cascada: It has to be hidden somewhere among the other passengers!

Imagine the sound of buzzing insect wings directly by your ear, but the insect is the size of your head and also making wet schloppy noises.

Jotaro: Disgusting… Let me take care of this.
Abdul: B-be careful… I’ve heard of a bug-like Stand before… One that likes to tear out and eat human tongues…!

Abdul: I-I can’t believe it! Not even Star Platinum, which can stop a bullet in midair, could land a single hit!
Kakyoin: There’s no doubt now! The bug’s a Stand! Where’s the one controlling it!? …Shoot!! It’s attacking!

Jotaro: Shit!! That was too close…
Joseph: He did it! He stopped the needle!
Abdul: But one second later and his tongue would have been torn to shreds… This Stand is no pushover!
Abdul: I know this Stand…! It’s the Tower card! It symbolizes mayhem! Destruction! Interruption of journeys!

Magician’s Red, Hermit Purple, Hierophant Green, Star Platinum… if you haven’t noticed by now, the Stand name motif for a while is going to be [Tarot Card] + [Color]. It eventually moves on to just straight up band names and music references, which is why Cascada’s stand is Quicksilver.

Abdul: I’d heard talk of this Stand before, but I didn’t know it was working for Dio… It specializes in accidents… Train wrecks, plane crashes, the works… He likes to make his killings look natural.

Abdul: And now he’s on Dio’s side…!

I looked this up and the closest match I could find was the Pan Am 103 incident, where a bomb caused the plane to crash in a residential area in Scotland, killing 270 people. A Libyan former airline executive was convicted of the bombing in 2001.

Joseph: Who’s controlling the Stand!? Where are they!? (They have to be somewhere on this plane… Where there’s a Stand, the user can’t be far!)

Tower of Gray zips over to the other side of the plane, behind a row of sleeping passengers.

Jotaro: (What’s it planning…? Wait… It can’t be…!)


This giant bug is painting on the wall with five severed human tongues on a giant needle. JoJo has always been sort of horror-adjacent and it’s easy to forget just how gory it can get.

Abdul: T-the nerve of the bastard!

Abdul: Incinerate it, Magician’s Red!!

We used to smoke on planes, so, I mean. Maybe burning up a bunch of oxygen would probably be fine as long as those masks still drop from the ceiling. With a Stand, you could put it on yourself and the person next to you simultaneously!

Kakyoin: Back to sleep.
Kakyoin: That “Instant-Knockout-Neck-Chop” elective from last year is really coming in handy…

And we enter the actual boss fight, and it’s our first time with a full party! I like how Joseph starts out at a higher level than the rest, because he’s already been on a bunch of bizarre adventures.

Everybody is automatically inflicted with the “CantFind” status, which basically means they cannot target the enemy. He’ll just dodge every attack.

Like so.

Kakyoin: He’s even faster than I thought! There’s only one thing to do! We’ll have to use attacks that target all enemies in order to hit him!

In the manga, this was Kakyoin’s time to shine as the Newest Party Member; he stretched Hierophant Green out into a net that Tower of Gray couldn’t avoid. Here, while CantFind means we can’t target him, we simply use attacks that don’t require a target.

Often, you’re going into this fight with only Kakyoin and Joseph having multi-target attacks, and the two of them are perfectly sufficient to take down Tower of Gray. But Cascada got a fancy new Laser Beam and she’s itching to try it out.

Cascada: Woah oh, asshole!

Jotaro: …Give me a @#S% break…

To enforce the tutorial aspects of this fight, Tower of Gray has abnormally high defense unless you’re hitting him at the correct range. Jotaro’s stats are high enough to actually offset the CantFind status somewhat, and him landing a surprise crit in the first turn after all those story bits would just be silly… But it does mean that Cascada’s shiny new attack is absolutely useless unless Tower of Gray moves into Long range.

A couple turns of Kakyoin and Joseph blasting him wraps things up pretty quickly.

Cascada: T-that old guy’s tongue was imprinted with the shape of a beetle!!

Joseph: I didn’t shoot my grandfather’s friend with a Tommy gun on the streets of New York during the war to hear you badmouth old folks, kid.
Kakyoin: No offense intended. Your Hermit Purple is elegant, like that well-trimmed bush in Holly’s garden.
Jotaro: You want to run that one by me again, Kakyoin?
Kakyoin: Er… Perhaps another time…

Joseph: !! That’s odd… Is it me, or is the plane tilted on its side…? N-no, I’m not just imagining it! It’s definitely tilting!

Joseph books it to the front of the plane, followed shortly by the rest of the party.

Jotaro: Their tongues have been yanked out. Must’ve been that damned beetle…
Joseph: We’re going down… The controls are broken, too! We’re going to crash!!

Silly as it is, I like this bit because we just confirmed that this guy doesn’t have a flesh bud and is usually just a gun for hire. Dio’s power and charisma is so insidious that he’s inspiring even opportunistic mass-murderers to give their lives for him; it seems the flesh buds are required only for those who might otherwise resist his wiles.

Jotaro: You guys are real professionals. Despite everything, you haven’t screamed… Would’ve been a pain if you did. This old guy here is gonna make an emergency landing, so tell the passengers to brace for impact. We’re counting on you.

All those times Jotaro skipped school, he was actually practicing his negging skills.

Kakyoin: …P-propeller planes…?
Cascada: I-I don’t know about this…
Joseph: Look on the bright side! There aren’t any piranhas this time!


This is genuinely one of my favorite gags in the entire series. Gets me every time.

Next time, we’ve got a whole new hub map to explore!

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