What are you playing (/running) (tabletop/board/etc game edition)

this is so cute, omg


sure, looks cute


I might be interested ! haven’t had a chance to play or run anything in a while


I am noting down names! if anybody would like to have a gander at the rulebook before they commit, I am happy to share my copy! (as long as you don’t share it any further, ofc)


We had our first session of The Road to Limina yesterday. Our characters are Charlatan Bloodletter, Carnifex Patina Ironhand, and Our Wounds. They are a Revkan Penitent (In Clown costume), an executioner in exile (sealed in an iron exoskeleton) and a Bloodcursed (wearing bandages, a great coat, and an Iron Mask).

They set out from the wall, advised by a mendicant at the bottom that they must travel the high road to Satelles Minor, home of the Nurses Stellar.

In our game, The high road is a rail track of Aurora high in the sky, that illuminates the holy land through a permanent cloud cover. The path they followed was a streak of dark cloud that fed a verdant path in an otherwise verdant prairie. To step outside the drizzling route was to face an uncomfortably warm grassland without reprieve.

Yet, on their journey they spied a fortress with a harbour, ships resting on sand instead sea; the water had dried up! They party decided to diverge.

On the way they found a large sword in a sandy pit, emerging from the Center. Charlatan threw a rock at it and a Crusader emerged, blade embedded in his chest, his steed now half warhorse half antlion, somehow mutated since he had come to the holy land?

The party is now deciding if they will fight or flee next session!


raises hand


anybody who was interested in Apawthecaria: rest assured I’m working on it! I’ve just had a busy back half to the week :S the server exists but I want to add some stuff to it before I share the link

that said, pls feel free to add me on discord if you are interested! giant.crow.from.dark.souls


We got to Quest last night! Fun time and a surprising amount of stuff done! And no combat?? Always delighted when my party figures out another way


chomping madly on a stick I NEED SOME CRUNCH IN MY TABLETOP


hubris is whispering in my ear that I should try running Masks again


Oh I tried that game once. it was… not as fun a time as I was hoping, but in retrospect I think a lot of that had to do with just, how much stress I was under at the time (and also being a lot shakier on what playing a ttrpg is like… actually like, I made zero effort to be in character at all, really). I guess throw that one on the pile of games I wanna play too…


sighs at self i have an idea for a new campaign. i don’t even know if i wanna host one or what it’d be, system-wise, but i have a broad idea


:mushroom:: :eyes:

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most easily described without giving too much away as “hey, what if we did the Killmonger thing where the villain is unprecedentedly right and didn’t throw him over the deep end?”


I’m getting sorely tempted to join a LFG server on discord (probably the Dropout extra credit one, since the main server is one that I’m a regular in) to find people to play with, considering how many times games with my irl friends have fallen through. Work up some familiarity with the systems I want to try, maybe even get into a proper campaign, try running some stuff… I’ve just had too many fun ideas for campaigns and oneshots that I never get to expand on


:mushroom:: we have a oneshot server you might be interested in, i can send you a link
They’re doing a charity stream too next month, so you can get to know how folks do before diving in


I may just take you up on that, though I’d like to get through a few other short term projects first (mostly finishing baten kaitos origins and deciding whether I want to resub to ff14 for real, once these free days are up)


Yee, I’m on one of the Saturday games for that livestream - I’m playing Nahual, a PbtA game about mestizo shapeshifters who hunt and kill angels. Big hype about all the characters we’ve crafted as a table and about the concept of the game as a whole.


Pathfinder continues, a player changed their class entirely, and another took a Multiclass feat to splash bard on their Thaumaturge.

The latter is a fucking GODSEND to me because I had been wanting to give out Spellhearts for aaaaages, (things you can affix to your armor or weapon for different effects), but to use their innate abilities, you need the “Cast a Spell” action, so martials are completely cut out from them.


sometimes a Lancer session is a lot of hacking, some threatening, and a little fricking [positive]