I’m on iOS still so I use Overcast as my app. Will be genuinely gutted to lose it when I swap off iOS. Great user interface, good options for vocal boosting/skipping long periods of silence, podcast-level speed controls, options to skip the first or last :xx (for skipping over intros/outros)…big fan.
I don’t listen to podcasts too much right now; I dropped all McElroy stuff entirely (just not into it anymore) and have realized that I kind of hate almost all actual play podcasts (sorry FATT). But I have a few mainstays:
The Insert Credit Show: My opportunity to clown on Tim Rogers in my head for his bad opinions on cats. A bunch of people talking about video games, usually in response to some wild questions. Airs weekly.
Maintenance Phase: A duo podcast with Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes, primarily debunking common health and fitness misinformation and tearing down anti-fatness. Some more recent ones have been a bit more in the realm of just debunking pseudoscience and adjacent topics (MBTI and “rapid onset gender dysphoria” being two recent ones). Airs infrequently? I think they announced it would be more like monthly but don’t remember.
If Books Could Kill: Michael Hobbes again with Peter Shamshiri analyzing crappy airport books. The most recent one I listened to was actually a breakdown of that awful book Who Moved My Cheese? I’ve seen in like every boss’s office ever. (Not that I’ve read it. I could just tell from the cover it was shit.)
Belatedly posting again here to say I’ve started a Monstrous Agonies relisten. It’s been a good time, but it seems the producer has joined a podcast network sometime between the launch of their second series and now. What used to be a mellow straight shot of 15-20min episodes is intercut with much more loudly mixed ads. Blugh.
At least the original series is still good. The banshee episode continues to be deliciously ironic and heartbreaking - it’s funny how episodes I used to treat entirely humorously are now making me tear up a little.
started listening to Maintenance Phase and ouu
I can tell im gonna like this podcast but also whew I keep having to stop to collect my feelings since subjects about weight and weightloss and fitness really hit hard.
I’ve had a very similar experience while listening; it hits me hard too. There’s a few episodes I’ve gone back to more than once because of this, but also sometimes because there’s positivity in it that gives me some hope. (The Angela Lansbury book/video episode in particular is a favorite.)