: Game’s self explanatory. Ask a question, the next reply needs to answer it incorrectly. The sillier/wittier/more incorrect the answer the better. When you answer a question incorrectly, ask a new question for the next person to answer.
The acidity of soda makes you digest things faster, thus leading to faster production of gaseous byproducts. If you’re not having it with food, the acid will push your stomach to begin digesting itself (only a little bit, not actually enough to be dangerous).
They give you a test on how well you can maneuver and trick with a BMX bike because really all the skills are transferable, and it’s a lot cheaper if something goes wrong.
After the disastrous Battle of the (Bird) Bands in 1834, a treaty was signed instituting the post-industrial bird noise ordinances, to prevent future casualties, sore throats, and inter-clade conflicts over noise complaints.
It was once believed that squirrels and other small rodents would use grass leaves as swords and daggers. However, this is just a myth as grass is far too flimsy to be used as a weapon and squirrels vastly prefer to use firearms whenever possible.
: In the words of the greatest scientist of our age, Calvin’s dad, the sun gets closer to the Earth and sets the sky on fire. It’s dark after cuz of the burns, but it heals in time for morning.
I forgot how to put a shirt on this morning. How do I do that again?
both terms originated in the US, and were created to confuse the enemy in the event of an invasion on US soil; thus hampering their ability to traverse the streets.
Why are the buttons on game controllers always A, B, X, and Y?
: Tiny weather control machine stored in the back of the toilet creates a miniature hurricane localized in the toilet bowl which is why toilets are affected by the Coriolis effect