I didn’t see any threads for posting photos we’ve taken generally speaking, so I figure I might as well start such a thread! (I’ll put my own photos in a reply.)
To start: some infrared photos!
For context, I shot these all on an old DSLR that I got modded for infrared photography — this process basically just consisted of removing the built-in filter that kept out IR and UV, and replacing it with a filter that blocks anything above, like, yellowish-green. As a result, the blue subpixels don’t get activated much, the green ones get somewhat less activation than usual, and the red ones get far, far more light than usual, kinda. This leads to largely dichromatic photos, though editing can bring out additional nuances to the colour, kinda.
The photos:
I took this one with a “telephoto”-ish lens (not a particularly nice one, TBF), which I basically only do when it’s bright out — because the camera had weak low-light performance even before I got the IR mod done. The long lens doesn’t let in a ton of light, so it’s not good for low-light conditions.
This is just kinda how sunny skies look with this IR camera, at least when I don’t flip any channels around. (However, I did white balance this; without white balancing, everything just looks aggressively red.) Foliage reflects a ton of IR — and the sky, having some light across a broad range of frequencies, has more than enough red and yellow to make things orange even if barely any blue is making it in.
Not much to say about this one.
I edited the colours more aggressively on this — sure, just a bit of fine-tuning on a per-“colour” basis, to put broad colour ranges where I wanted them, but still, I was looking for something that really gave sunset vibes (on a photo taken around sunset), so!
About “flipping channels”: I flipped the red and blue channels to get the sky looking nice and blue here, which had the effect of turning the trees yellow. This trick basically only makes the sky and plants look more natural at the expense of everything else, but where those are the dominant subjects, it works?
Another channel-flipped one. It’s pretty incredible how the IR camera just shines under bright conditions — especially when you also use a bright lens.
Wowwww those IR photos are GORGEOUS! The foliage is beautiful, and the factory photo looks like it could be an album cover. Amazing stuff!
Back in December we commissioned a bracelet from a local artist whom me met at a Christmas market. We had to stop at the art center where her studio was to pick it up (after a month of logistics hassle rip). Here’s a photo dump of the cool artwork we saw there
Will update with descriptions once I’m home. But it was a lot of cool quilts and that one 16-panel work where each panel was rendered by a different artist!
will post a few real old ones.
One of the black bears at the Portland Zoo. I love going to the zoo to photograph animals.
There’s a regular tulip festival in Oregon that takes place in March-April (sometimes into the start of May) and the first year I tried to go, we were too late for the blooms. The second year, we lucked out, and it was a treat to see the many varieties.
I was kind of stunned to find these blossoms growing basically right next to where I lived years ago. (I think they’re peach blossoms?) Going out in spring and autumn to take photos was always fun. I have…a lot of flower photos, haha.
There’s an annual kite festival on the Oregon coast and I went there a few times when I lived there. It was a fun challenge to try to capture photos of these kites in motion while they flew in time with music. Fun fact, one of these trips is when I managed to get a sunburn on my legs that prevented me from walking for a few days
Thanks! Thanks, heck. (I definitely picked the ones that are most visually, like, pleasant? I’ve got a bunch of other good ones as well, but some of them are more, well. Odd. aaa)