Allegedly there's going to be a "wake" for cohost in a city I live near

Do I go and livepost about it lmao

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I dunno, I wouldn’t go and be mean about it.


I wouldn’t be mean to THEM, but you gotta admit it’s at least a LITTLE silly


You have to go for the fomo


I’m hoping by “wake” they mean more of just “an excuse to meet up that doesn’t deny that cohost is dying” but you never know! I think the closest one is still like 3 hours away from me and it wasn’t phrased as a “wake” at all, so that’s probably why the interpretation stuck in my head that way.

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I have met some cool people irl thru cohost so it might be worthwhile

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Yeah, my interpretation was more “this place that people cared about is going away, let’s have a going-away party and try to connect”. If you’re morbidly curious about it, Duck, you can swing by, but that depends on if hanging around that crowd will be worth your time.

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It’s a little silly, sure. It’s cool to be a little silly now and then though imo


The tendency of cohosts folks to be cringe and earnest is probably one of their better qualities. I think it’s a nice idea.


Nerdy events are 99% an excuse for people to make out, from my experience, I don’t think this is going to be any different and no one will think about cohost after 5 minutes

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yeah i pretty much foresee it being pretty uneventful

Promise? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I’m kinda going with the understanding that it’ll be mostly queer nerds hanging out and chatting about a small website they all used + most likely a few hookups. I’m not expecting much on the latter front since I doubt I’m the average cohoster’s type, but if I’m lucky I’ll see a few old mutuals there which might be nice.


I’m many people’s type. I won’t go into detail because I generally try to keep in PG-13 here lmao.

I more mean that I tend to be very opinionated and cynical online so my irl personality doesn’t shine through, so I never made a lot of friends on cohost. If I show up and go “hey I was deadryn!” no one is going to know who tf I am. Also the whole not being white thing