Anki and Japanese self-study resources

It is the start of 2025 and you want to learn Japanese through self-study but have no idea where to begin! Here is what I did to teach myself Japanese starting in my mid-20s (i.e. after I graduated and had already entered the work force and was learning in my spare time). It’s not the perfect method, only you can find out what works best for you, but this at least should be a good starting place for folks interested in learning!

Step 1: Get Anki

I wrote a whole guide about it on my blog!

There are other SRS (spaced repetition study) and flashcard apps, but IME Anki is the most flexible. Even if you’re not studying Japanese, I recommend Anki if you’re looking to memorize lots of info (when I was in uni, I used it for basically ALL of my subjects). It’s free on PC and on Android (as Ankidroid) but I believe you have to pay on iOS. I forget the price but IIRC it is a one-time payment and cheaper than most textbooks, so I highly recommend it anyway.

Step 2: Learn hiragana/katakana

Get off of romaji IMMEDIATELY. The way I did this was buy a lot of notebooks and practice writing out the characters over and over, and then start writing vocabulary using hiragana/katakana instead of romaji, and then entire sentences/dialogues. (I’ll talk about textbooks below that I used for this, but there are plenty of resources, including shared Anki decks and the like.) The sooner you wean yourself off of using romaji, the easier it will be to look stuff up and understand how onyomi/kunyomi readings work.

Step 3: Learn to sightread kanji characters by identifying radicals

I can only speak for myself, but the most demoralizing part of learning Japanese was seeing a big block o’ kanji and hitting a wall. My mind would shut down because I could not even begin to pick apart what I was looking at. It’s a bit like trying to learn English by reading a novel before learning the alphabet.

I personally used James Heisig’s Remembering the Kanji. You can get the fifth edition for free here:

The idea is to be able to recognize the different radicals of a character, give them a mnemonic keyword, and then make stories for the character using those radicals. For example: a KING 王 under a ROOF 宀 holding a jewel that looks like a tear-DROP 丶 that is his TREASURE 宝.

If you go with RTK, I also recommend using Kanji Koohii to look up other user-made mnemonics, tho HUGE ASTERISK, a lot of the stories are like. gross racist/misogynist/etc shit :skull: But sometimes it can give you hints on what mnemonic story to make if you’re stuck on one.

If you do go with RTK, I DO NOT RECOMMEND GETTING THE SECOND VOLUME, and instead learn vocabulary and onyomi/kunyomi readings somewhere else. I used the Kanji in Context textbook and two workbooks in tandem with RTK and highly recommend that instead. This gives you vocab and example sentences for each kanji character, and is perfect for inputting into Anki:

If you are on Android I HIGHLY recommend Chase Colburn’s Kanji app. It’s not free and the add-ons are kind of pricey (tho IMO you only really need the Self-Study Upgrade, plus the Guided Study add-on if you don’t want to make your own kanji practice cards in Anki) but worth it just the same. It can also export notes into Ankidroid:

The Kanji Study app lets you organize characters in order of both RTK and also Kanji in Context, which makes it an excellent companion app if you plan to study with those. (It also does this for the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course, see below)

Other options besides RTK

If you don’t want to go with RTK (and like, I get it, it isn’t exactly a sleek all-in-one package), you can try WaniKani which uses the same basic idea of radicals + telling mnemonic stories. That has a subscription but I’ve had friends tell me it’s worth it to have it all pre-made and digital:

Another one I’ve heard very good things about is the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course:

And as mentioned, the Chase Colburn Kanji Study app lets you organize kanji in order of the KLC, so I highly recommend getting that as a companion app for your Android phone.

IMPORTANT POINT: Whether you go with RTK, WaniKani, or KLC, choose one and STICK WITH IT. I don’t recommend changing partway through because you feel it’s too slow or you’re falling behind on your backlog or whatever. They all use slightly different mnemonics so rather than confuse yourself (and also resetting all of your progress) I recommend not caring too much about having a large backlog and just tackle however much you can when you can. The important thing is regular review, not Backlog Zero.

Why learn kanji radicals before Japanese?

As I mentioned above, trying to learn Japanese without being able to mentally break apart each kanji character into their radicals is like trying to read English words before learning the alphabet. You can do it, but it’s a LOT harder to look up words you don’t already know (and requires you memorizing what every single English word looks like, rather than just the 26 letters and how they combine together).

The above methods are to 1) teach you the “alphabet,” i.e. the different radicals of a kanji so that you can use them to look them up in your kanji dictionary of choice if you run into a character you don’t already know 2) to be able to visually pick apart that, for example, 雲 雪 and 雷 are all different characters but probably have something to do with “weather,” and 3) most importantly, to sightread this stuff VERY QUICKLY so that you’re not having to stop and think with every. single. kanji. on. the. page. Getting your Japanese reading speed up to roughly your English reading speed (or whatever your first language) is A REALLY GOOD FEELING, and idk about you but that makes me excited to read more stuff ahahaha

Step 4: Load up on everything else

You learn vocabulary by seeing them in sentences which also helps you understand grammar which also increases your reading comprehension and improves your kanji sightreading, etc etc. This is the step you will be at for the rest of your language-learning journey lol. Just get your hands on as much Japanese material as you can and practice every day.

Just starting out

I liked the Genki series, tho it’s geared for classroom settings (so there are exercises that assume you’re doing them with a partner, etc). If you don’t mind that and/or can find someone to study with you, they’re a solid entry point:

I know the Minna no Nihongo series is pretty popular as well:

Studying for JLPT

If you are studying specifically for JLPT I used the 新完全マスター series, tho NOTE that it is all in Japanese (including explanations) so it can be a pretty steep for beginners. I recommend only getting the Grammar 文法 and Reading 読解 and skipping Vocab and Kanji, and only get Listening if you plan to do JLPT.

If you prefer English explanations for stuff and/or want LOTS of practice questions, I really like the JLPT “best” series of books by the Japan Times. I haven’t tried the “mini-stories” vocab books, but the main textbook (the one with three full practice tests) and workbooks are excellent.

I also quite like the Ask series of JLPT vocab books as a nice vocab supplement. Handy pocket size, plus audio files that you can throw into your Anki decks and link where you can download PDFs of vocab quizzes. These come with English explanations:

Beyond textbooks and tests

These days I mostly study by reading manga and news sites, and writing notes on stuff I don’t understand and looking it up later. If you’re on Android, the Takoboto dictionary app lets you make lists of vocab and then export them all into Ankidroid, super helpful for adding lots of notes when I am away from my computer:

If you want a good Japanese-Japanese dictionary, I like this one:

There are definitely good Japanese dictionary apps on iOS as well, ahaha.

NHK has near-daily news articles in “easy” やさしい Japanese, and you can toggle furigana on/off. They also highlight when a word is the name of a person, place, or company. They USED to also sometimes have little breakdowns on vocabulary/grammar points in the article itself, but stopped doing that a few months back. Oh well, it’s still really good to have in your study toolbox:

For manga, I highly recommend slice-of-life or yonkoma (four-panel) series with furigana, tho honestly whatever series you like will be great. It helps SO MUCH if you are interested in whatever you are reading, and in my experience, manga and light novels are a better motivator to study than textbooks/news/etc, haha.

(If someone tries to give you shit for studying w/ manga and anime because you’ll learn ““weird”” Japanese, please tell them that this is literally how Japanese kids learn the language lmao)

As for listening practice, the world is your oyster!! Anime and J-dramas are great (again, slice-of-life stuff is GREAT and a popular genre so you have a wealth of options). One of the first shows I latched onto when moving here was the あさどら (“morning drama,” a ~15min drama that plays every weekday morning on NHK). The acting is really hammy which doesn’t make for like, riveting TV or anything, but it DOES mean I can pretty clearly hear what everyone is saying and can pick up from context what’s going on.

There are tons of Japanese TV shows that’s basically “celebrities wander around and talk to locals and eat a lot of food” and those are INCREDIBLE for listening practice, especially since those also tend to put their captions up for like, comedic effect lol. (Side rant: wish Japanese CC was just a standard thing for ALL TV shows grrr.) When I was living in Hawai’i, they’d play those shows all. the. time on KIKU-TV, I don’t know if that is a thing on the mainland/outside of the US. It’s not must-watch TV by any means, but it is nice to just have this stuff on in the background while doing something else.

Do you like watching speedrunners or Let’s Players? GOOD NEWS, Japan is a country full of nerds who love that shit too:

Not to mention all the Japanese YouTubers out there. As I said, the world is your oyster!! Find people talking about shit you are already interested in, but in Japanese! The best way to learn the language is to have regular contact with it, if you’re more likely to watch Japanese speedrunners than pick up your Genki textbook then go for it IMHO.

Other stuff I’ve tried

The So-Matome series for JLPT is a good alternative to the 新完全マスター above if you prefer English explanations. IMHO these books just aren’t as good, they’re a lot easier than official JLPT tests so I feel like these would leave you pretty underprepared, but if you are not terribly interested in JLPT then these should be fine to get you started.

Just like the 新完全マスター series above, I recommend sticking to Grammar + Reading only. The reason why is because you are already learning kanji with RTK+KIC or whatever from Step 3, and vocab from your other sources. Pick up the Listening book if you are studying specifically for JLPT, but otherwise I wouldn’t bother.

Speaking of listening, I’ve used the Kuroshio New Shadowing series of books before, which I thought were just okay:

The conversations are kind of stilted and very much Textbook Japanese, which is helpful if you are studying specifically for a test like the JLPT, but not much else.

The Most Important Thing Of All

…is to learn Japanese. NOT to craft the most perfect efficient matrix of studying and resources. However you are already studying is probably fine, and you do not need to overhaul your study schedule/regiment every time someone (even me!!) recommends a new method. There is no perfect method! And even if there were, who cares!! Your goal is to LEARN JAPANESE!!!

I say this as someone who probably spent most of the past 15 years throwing everything out and starting from scratch. Don’t do that!! Just stick with it, add on with new resources and drop stuff that isn’t working for you, but don’t dump everything you’ve already got to start over from scratch, ahahaha. Your goal when setting up eg Anki should not be to own an immaculate collection of cards, it should be using it as a tool to LEARN JAPANESE. Don’t redo your entire collection because you thought of some better, more efficient way to organize your cards!! Again: PLEASE learn from my mistakes!! :sob:


I forgot to mention graded readers!! I personally have not used them (they’re pretty hard to find IN Japan, or at least harder than just buying a lot of used manga from Book Off lol) but my friends swear by them and are a good way to get started reading in Japanese. The one my friends often recommend is the White Rabbit series:

I was also tipped off to the Tadoku graded readers, some of which are free and online:


Great list of resources! I’ve seen you post these before and kept meaning to bookmark them.

I took two years of really slow and simple high school classes over a decade ago, got some fundamentals but I don’t know if we even learned more than 100 kanji. Kept things up somewhat with my hobbies and some misc JET friendgroups but after my main one exploded years ago and Covid hit and killed my desire to travel I’ve barely used the language and got suuuuuuuuuuuuper rusty… Now I’m going back for a vacation next month and I was going to dig out the Genki books and brush up my language skills in preparation but my life has been so chaotic this past half year I just haven’t had the energy to sit down more than twice. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I really do want to get back to it and learn more again just for the simple sake of properly learning more languages, I hope I can find the space this year to do it and that the trip gives me a real motivational kick. I never used Anki but keep seeing it recommended as a learning tool and I should just sit down and set it up sometime and feed it some characters for me to drill.


this is awesome thank you so much <3 I started learning a couple years ago but got demoralised. maybe I’ll try again!


this is an incredible resource, thanks immensely for sharing.

out of curiosity, do you have any firsthand experience with I’ve used it many times in the past to look up kanji by stroke count and/or radicals. though maybe this is coming at the learning process backwards :thinking:


Oh I love! I actually have my Firefox address bar set up to let me look stuff up by prefacing with “jisho” + whatever, ahaha. The only reason I use Takoboto on phone instead of is because the Takoboto app lets me make lists of words and then batch export them all into Ankidroid. Otherwise yeah, it’s basically the same as (iirc they both pull from the same JDICT sources) so either is fine!

And YEAH being able to look up kanji by radicals/stroke count is very good! I don’t think that’s backwards, if anything that is the correct way to look up kanji! If you buy Japanese kanji dictionaries, they also break them down into stroke count and radicals, ahaha. RTK etc are mostly to help you remember the radicals and also assign a mnemonic story to each character so that you can sightread them quickly without having to look them up every time, but otherwise yeah, being able to look up kanji (rather than just, completely giving up and shutting down the way I often still do lol) is an important skill to have!


I love Anki ahaha, it can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. I try to avoid using shared decks and just make all my cards/notes myself, mostly because 1) I don’t want to review EVERYTHING, just the words that give me trouble and 2) the shared decks tend to be like, overly helpful and put wayyyyy too much info on the cards, ahaha. I appreciate the effort but it can be a bit much sometimes.

THAT SAID, using the shared decks is a perfectly fine way to cut down on spending a lot of time making cards. If you’re using Genki for example, there are plenty of decks that other people made that you can simply download and import into your own collection, and then edit as necessary:


Ohh actually shared Genki decks might be a good idea for me with the books I already have! I’d lean towards making my own decks as well as I generally learn best when putting together practice sheets and cards on my own and such, but just going with a shared deck at least just to get things started sounds like a good idea I think.

Also +1 on Jisho being great, it’s always been my go-to dictionary site. There’s probably lots of other dictionary sites out there with similar functions but its tool to search kanji by radicals is a godsend.


Also I CANNOT BELIEVE I forgot to shout out Tae Kim’s INCREDIBLE grammar guide, which is all online, has very clear English explanations, and is all free:


I passed N5 after like one semester of JP 101 at Uni + using Kanji Study (which I also recommend[1]) + reading two books of Yotsuba& + NHK News Web Easy.

Unfortunately I have pretty much done almost nothing since, and it’s been quite a few years. Maybe like 8?

A big part was not really finding a way to use Japanese. The only friend I could talk to was so much better at it than me that I felt intimidated out of the idea, through no fault of her own. :x

  1. Also, anecdotally, Chase seems like a pretty nice guy, I exchanged some emails with him at my peak usage of the app, about some changes I thought would be good ↩︎


Yeah, I did this exact thing when I was in Chinese school trying to learn characters. There’s one word in particular ( 富 - “wealthy”) that I still mentally think of as “一口田” (“one field”, in the sense of “that guy has one whole field, he’s rich”) because those are the component radicals under the “cap”. “yi kou tian” is nonsense because using kou as a measure word for tian is wildly uncategorical/ungrammatical, but boy howdy did that fucker stick. (I also remember the difference between buy (买) and sell (卖) because the seller is wearing a hat. He’s got a store uniform on.)

And yeah, being able to recognize all the different characters is the key to being able to read. I’m illiterate but I can still write and recognize words because I learned the underlying construction of how they go together, and what radicals have what meaning. This is what enables me to use google translate to bolster my language gaps when I’m missing a word - I can recreate the character accurately enough to look it up digitally.


Oh yeah. I can also confirm that getting onto kana immediately is a huge must. I did hiragana in mostly two afternoons–I transcribed all of Again, the first FMA:Brotherhood opening by hand. Even though I didn’t know about how small つ worked yet, and I almost certainly transcribed a bunch of it wrong, it did give me an objective to work towards, and I quickly remembered all of them.


omg the store uniform is very good, bahahaha. I lowkey love hearing what other people’s mnemonic stories are because some of them are super creative and memorable, as a good mnemonic should be ahaha!

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Yeah this is definitely a hurdle. It’s also why I (a complete shut-in lol) mostly practice Japanese by reading books and writing in my journal (and speaking horrible pidgin English-Japanese-Original with my partner lmao).

If there is something you want to learn more about, eg novels or video games etc, and then finding Japanese speakers on socmed or YouTube or blogs, that kinda thing, and then in your own journal or by shadowing along with their audio you can ““talk”” with them. (I am not trying to encourage parasocial relationships or anything LMAO but “talking” in the sense of using the words and grammar you know to practice saying it out loud/writing them down in your own original words.)

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Oh i should learn radicals, I’ve just been buiilding a kanji vocabulary and sorta picking up the radicals by how some related words look similarly. I don’t even think I really have mnemonics like most other folks do.

Also I’ve been very on and off with learning Japanese for about 10 years. I didn’t quite “throw everything out”, but i have spent the last couple of times rereviewing the basics everytime I come back and it was a bit frustrating.

Next time I see the Japanese class I’m running at the library I’ll tell them I have to eat a small helping of crow about my “anime dialect” warning

I’m also here to co-sign the tae kim guide. Something I really love about it compared to other learning materials I’ve used before is that He explains Japanese grammar on its own terms and rules. Unlike most classes/lessons I’ve taken where they try to translate japanese grammar into a way it works in English. It helped me understand the rules of the language alot better.


I HIGHLY recommend taking like 3-4mos to learn kanji radicals using one of the above methods (RTK, WK, KLC). It will be the most painful and boring thing but once it’s done, you will be able to sightread so much faster and look up stuff you don’t already know, it’s a good feeling.

Even tho I personally used RTK, I am very jealous of the folks who learn with the Kanji Learner’s Course. I just realized that Chase Colburn’s Kanji Study app has a paid add-on for the Graded Reading Sets that come with KLC, so that makes things even easier.

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Well shit, guess I don’t have a decent excuse for not getting started anymore. This is all really exciting to see! I mentioned it in the thread for that article on the gentrification of gaming history that getting to expand my horizons on the games I play and the books I read has always made learning the language a desire, so having all this info just sorta… dropped on me is really making it enticing :eyes:
I took a few years of Japanese classes in High school, and tried Duolingo for it a few times, but never made a ton of progress. Guess its time to try again

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Video games used to be my reason to learn japanese, and they sorta still are, but Really it’s just sunkcost at this point. I’ve spent too much time of my life trying to learn to not know the language. Not that i have to learn it soon, but I gotta learn sometime before i croak


Something I wanna ask is how do folks have their anki cards set up? Here’s a screenshot of mine

I used the template features so all my future cards will have the jisho link without any extra work.


I basically have three kinds of cards:

1) Sentence (+audio if available)

Pretty straightforward "Read what the front of the card says, paying attention especially to the highlighted keyword. Flip to the back and see what it was. If you got the keyword reading+meaning correct but had trouble understanding the whole sentence or struggled to remember the keyword, mark it as Hard. If you forgot the keyword, mark it as Again. Anything else is Good. (I only hit the Easy button if like… it is SUPER easy. If it is so easy that I feel I don’t need to review it, I usually suspend/delete the card.)

2) Vocab cards

I tend to make lists of words I encounter in Takoboto and then import them into Anki rather than make them by hand these days.

3) Cloze exercises

I made a separate guide for cloze deletions in my Anki tutorial because I think they’re great. tl;dr they’re to do fill-in-the-blank type questions where you don’t necessarily need to memorize something so much as test your knowledge on something. (e.g. how to transform verbs, etc)