A thread to share art from artists you like. Includes writing, music, fashion, cosplay, pins and stickers, etc.
With cohost sinking and everyone heading to different platforms, there’s a lot of cool artists who I’m maybe not gonna see again, unless people share their art around. So this is a thread for that!
If something requires a CW, please put it behind a click through, like [details="whatever content warnings it needs"] Link to artist's post [/details]
Unfortunately idk how to make it embed behind that…
Here’s a furry artist I found some months back whose style I ended up really liking. I found them on cohost, but in addition to that site being out for dead, seems like they’re mainly on Tumblr anyway.
I’m suddenly thinking back to this piece of artwork my friend Andrew/Specialagentape did for the release of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon WiiWare translation that he led, of almost all the people behind the project as a Pokémon of their choosing, featuring yours truly. Years before I fully discovered the Li’l Bunny within myself, I identified closely with Riolu. The purple bowtie was Andrew’s thinking, and I quite like it.
a friend (from cohost too – nolan!) is kickstarting a cool, inclusive tarot deck that this team originally made for their tarot bot project. the art is really nice, and now they’re doing a physical deck if they can