Get fucked, clown boy
Break out the roflcopter folks, we’re going hunting
thinking that artists earn millions explains a lot about the rush to adopt AI by the most uncreative people
That damn guy buttering his toast with his cellphone again smfh
Wait i was laughing but how do you become a “famous” AI artist? Oh you gotta see this guy in action. He does the best prompts
At first I was thinking he must’ve at least made the AI to think he had any claim to it like okay in that case at least there’s an argument for it since that’s something you technically made yourself tho I still think it wouldn’t hold up in court, but nah he’s just typing in prompt that’s insane
Each share is like stealing a $1,000 commission :( /j
maybe he can start a new career touring as the world’s largest wiener?
also this article makes one thing clear i hadn’t thought of before. the guys who use this stuff are just nightmare graphic design clients, so redirecting them to an algorithm is great. when they mentioned his “lengthy discourse” or whatever with midjourney, i was like, yes. the art “didn’t pop enough,” the colors were too “new” or “brown” or “separate” or some shit, and he could just nag a computer until it came out right. thank goodness