Fighting Games!

I’ve been playing a bit of guilty gear strive lately and this new patch is pretty crazy
every character I’ve messed with plays completely differently than they used to at least so far
dizzy is also pretty neat
the ice physics are weird to work with though

The ice physics are amazing


I only really ever hop on Strive whenever a new DLC character drops bc my friend still buys all the DLC despite not playing the game regularly anymore and holy shit the ice physics are so fucking goofy I love it

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Ive had a pretty good few brackets of Vortex gallery. I havent dine particularly great in any of the brackets, but its been a good chance to play alot of various games with folks.

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played some gbvsr again with a friend

I rotate through all the sword lesbians (vira, katalina, djeeta), and they play versusia and beatrix

anyway we just had a round where I did that really piddly universal low/high mixup eight times in a row and they guessed wrong every single time lmao


I usually don’t self-promote on auldnoir, but I was curious if anyone else in the forum felt some sympathy with what i wrote here.

TLDR: folks in the FGC do tournaments too much, and it would be better if we focused on less skill focused activities


I do think lots of fighting game spaces I’ve been in have been super duper tournament focused instead of like… casually beating people up focused or just anything else fighting game related like fanart or cosplay or even just talking about them.
a few people I know mostly play fighting games for the characters and one person I know doesn’t want to be good at them if being good is less like how they want to play their character. I think focusing purely on getting better to be the very best misses some parts of what fighting games can be, and can make them less fun to play.


That’s one thing I miss about the Smash club when I was in college. We all sat around, played Balanced Brawl, winner stays, laughed, had snacks, and sometimes somebody set up a second TV where there was BlazBlue or MVC3 or Mortal Kombat 9. Good times.


Good post and sums up why I don’t go to locals. I do not feel the urge to improve at fighting games very much. I would simply like to hang out and play them and get silly with it. Why drive all the way to the ass-end of fucking Thornton, a shitty part of Colorado but where the majority of the FGC is, so I can do that when I can just do it online from the comfort of my own home for free

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Something im seeing from the responses here so far is that there seems to have been a sea change where being “good” has become more of a necessity toenjoy fighting games.

I think back to like idk 15-20 years ago, serious players existed, but it didnt seem like you had to know all the best plays and junk. Tekken could be a game you mashed around in just as much as smash.

If i had to dig further, i feel like smash going from a party game to a serious esport is patient zero for this phenomenon, if it exists.


You can point to streaming and content creation too.

Sure casual smash YouTubers exist but the competitive ones have the lions share of streaming.

I’d assume the same goes for Tekken and other games. Just shitting around with your friends may be fun and goofy but people always look for the skilled gameplay for their viewing pleasure.

Which is a bummer because fighting games are awesome chill out games.

More local groups need to just have Casuals most weeks and do tourneys once month instead of grinding weeklies and casuals can break out of there are spare setups.

I didnt want to dig too far because it was gonna become another “el problema es capitalismo” but the explosion of esports culture (in general, not just smash) was also something i feel kicked the casual spirit out of fighting games.


downloaded +r again and bullied friend into playing it with me

he shall know the wrath of jam cloudberry (and by “wrath” I mostly mean “extremely loud yelling”)

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I think it’s time I learn Virtua Fighter…

I’m kinda curious what your locals look like, cuz one guy I know from CO basically started the online scene for Avengers in Galactic Storm, a weird and kinda ugly tag game pre-MVC.

My exp in Toronto where I don’t fuck with any of the real tournament games (SF6, Strive, T8, UNI2) is there are a lot of people willing to play whatever. It’s hard to get someone to stop taking a game seriously if they’ve already decided to. But it’s easy to pull up with a game neither of you sweat in and have fun.

There’s one guy here who sets up with Touhou Hisoutensoku (and recently MBAACC) and we went more or less even in Melty. I don’t consider myself good and Melty has some killers, but he wasn’t one. Later in the day I set up my MiSTer and we mashed on Bloody Roar 2 while looking at a move list.

All this to say you can just have fun without feeling at conflict with the way people take games seriously. But if it’s just too far, and expensive, ignore all that lol


yeah it’s mostly distance that’s the issue, and lack of good locations. also also are most active scene as far as I can tell is smash bros melee lmfao

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Melee is a game I used to love in high school, but everyone is so locked in now. Somebody DID get Melee Triples working on a hack, which I really wanna mess with.

edit: I’ve found out it’s a “link in the discord” situation ughh

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Excuse me?

edit: Fine I’ll get the youtube video.

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Damn, i was hoping some footage would show us if this is just a remaster of the psp game, or an entirely new thing