here’s mine, presented here before anyone else, wow. it won’t go to other places until the art that my friend Kiak is making is finished so enjoy the sneak peak
what’s yours??
here’s mine, presented here before anyone else, wow. it won’t go to other places until the art that my friend Kiak is making is finished so enjoy the sneak peak
what’s yours??
the title isn’t an accident it’s another bit sorry everything is a bit always
damn thank u for the reminder that I need to play Arco
Is Astliba one of those Goop Games?
It is The goop game
i think i posted mine on here somewhere but:
didn’t play/beat a whole lot of games this year but. would like to play more this upcoming year!
Oh I almost forgot about this. I did put some thought into it at least and it is… way harder than I initially thought it would be to put everything in order. I think I do at least have a top 3 (Xenosaga 3, Outer Wilds, Baten Kaitos, in descending order), and maybe a bottom 3 (Symphony of the Night, Paper Mario, Torna the Golden Country, also descending), but I played a lot of games this year and a covered a lot more ground, genre-wise, than I did last year. Did I enjoy The Legend of Dragoon more than Clock Tower? I think so. Do I think Clock Tower is a better game, and one I’m more likely to come back to or recommend to others? Absolutely yes. How does Vampire Survivors, a junk food game that’s remarkably well constructed on almost every level, with surprise secrets that kept me invested for nearly a hundred hours compare to Future Redeemed, a much shorter experience that worked so well for me partly because it was a capstone on a story that I’d become very very invested in over the past few years? Where the hell does Soul of Sovereignty Prelude fit on this list, a VN that’s, well… a prelude, to a longer story that’s still being worked on. Decisions decisions…
aw man I love Torna. F
: this year broadly is kind of a blur so im dragging up our steam replay to remember what we even played this year
Edit: forgot some honorable mentions
Shuanshuan true mvp of nine sols
I’ve got a few problems with Torna, but the two biggest are that forcing you to 100% it to beat it absolutely destroys the pacing to such an extent that I had to just watch the final boss on youtube, because if I tried to push through it I was gonna hate it outright, and it felt less like an interesting look at a corner of the world and a collection of characters that didn’t get the chance to shine in the base game, and more like a history lesson interspersed equally with fun character beats and absolutely unnecessary moments that drastically weaken the impact of some of the best parts of the first two acts of the base game
fair points. a deal of it for me was that I VASTLY prefer the tone of XC1 to XC2, so after being super disappointed by 2, Torna felt like more of a return to form. it made me care a lot more about Hikari than I did from the base game. also the soundtrack bops