Gone Fis-I Mean Marrying, Backup Bugs, and also: Thank You

Hi all,

as the year comes to a close, I will be taking my leave for a while. if you’ve heard me speak for more than 3 seconds, I’m getting married to the love of my life on January 4th, and thus flying out to Qatar to do so with her family and mine on December 31st. I’ll be gone until 1/16.

With that said, I will be gone for a while. I will be checking in now and then, but in an entirely different timezone. I expect everyone to behave, but please make liberal use of the moderation tools available to you so I don’t miss anything if that somehow doesn’t end up being the case - flag stuff and so on.


I have been told that I can’t back Auldnoir up right now because there’s not enough disc space, because this place is popping way more than I ever would have expected. I’m trying to figure out what to do about that, but gestures at that whole wedding thing.

With that said: until I can fix this, please make sure you hold on to anything you don’t want to lose. I won’t be doing any updates to the site while I’m gone, and not until I increase the disc size (the reason this is easier said than done is because i am locked out of my droplet for unknown reasons that I am attempting to solve. Busting my ass trying to get this fixed before I leave, but keep that in mind.

Signing Off

We’re creeping up on one year of this place existing, and as I recently said on Bluesky, I consider Auldnoir one of my biggest accomplishments this year. It is one of the coolest things I’ve ever pulled off, period, tbh. And that is in no small part thanks to you all.

You’ve all proven that it is possible to carve out a general interest space that retains the spirit of the Internet wild west of the 2000s. You are proof that the “old” internet doesn’t have to be gone. With a little elbow grease you can build a community outside of microblogging and discord, that hosts fun events and yaps about whatever, while remaining toxicity-free. Thank you for giving this place a chance, and I hope the rest of your year is relaxing and peaceful. :green_heart:


fun stats :D