Good eReading apps for mobile and/or PC?

something that can read loose epub files and other similar things. I have libby through my library, but that sorta sucks in general cuz it’s DRM.

I have an android phone so preferabley that, but maybe someone else would find an apple or other mobile ereader useful.

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i use moonreader (+pro which iirc was p cheap) and I like it well enough


I used Readera on Android! I have no complaints. equally I can’t think of anything really amazing it does, but sometimes Functional is good enough LMAO


Seconding ReadEra, it does what it needs to and that’s all that’s necessary. I haven’t found an epub or pdf yet that it couldn’t handle - which is mostly notable bc there was an epub one time that my desktop ereader couldn’t handle, that ReadEra managed just fine.

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ReadEra and Moonreader are booth great yea, I’d pick one of those

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Moonreader is my paid app that I use for pdfs and other ebooks that I don’t get through the library. Libby is my library app that does a good enough job.

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On Windows 10 I use Thorium and it’s alright, though it has a few annoying eccentricities that piss me off so I don’t recommend it and I’m mainly in this thread to keep an eye out for if anyone shouts out any better pc epub readers

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oh shit that’s right Readera takes PDFs too. I keep knitting patterns in it lmao

Book Bazaar is the main one I use for my laptop, which iirc I have been using since Windows 10. It’s much like ReadEra in which it is a very straightforward epub reader. It does have cloud save, which I’ve used to transport my library from one device to another, but that is dependent on OneDrive, so me letting that elapse has meant my previous library from my old laptop is no longer accessible. Though, I suppose I could open my old laptop and try to retrieve the files that way.


Another +1 to MoonReader on mobile. On PC I just use the default reader that comes with Calibre, which is also what I use to organize all my disparate ebooks and TRPG rulebooks