Ikea’s New Range Is Stealth Mode for Gamers

I actually like the design philosophy behind this. I don’t know if I have room for any new furniture but looking forward to seeing what the rest of the range looks like hehe


this is neat, if i ever get to own a home maybe i’ll build stuff like this inside lmao

I used to work at Ikea and my Hot Ikea Take is that their shit is broadly better quality than people give it credit for. there is a reason every landlord on earth fills their properties with Ikea furniture (lol) but you always see the absolute cheapest stuff they sell in rentals. if you go up even one stage to the second cheapest stuff, it immediately becomes a lot more durable and (dare I say it) fun to look at.

so basically what I’m saying I guess is that I am an Ikea apologist?? this is hard for me to admit please be kind.


In my experience Ikea is just really hit or miss. You have to be a little selective but if you’re picky about what you buy they’ve got some good stuff for the price.


I’m in Sweden and I spent most of the past 10 years being low or no income so all my furniture except for one tiny drawer is IKEA lol. I’m mostly curious about the chair, just because my current desk chair is getting really worn out and nowadays gaming chairs take up a way bigger part of store catalogues than office chairs but my aesthetic sense refuses to buy a chair that looks like a gaming chair.


awww i love my gamer chair especially because i always talk about it in all caps. yeah i do my work at my GAMER chair. what’s that? oh yeah this is a GAMER chair it’s pretty comfy especially for GAMING

it’s very stupid-looking but i think that’s part of the appeal to me (i have a secret lab)


Personally I’m just glad that there’s a gaming chair that doesn’t have a bunch of unnecessary mechanical parts that make it get creaky and noisy while I’m trying to stream so I may end up getting one of the ones here


no I totally understand what you mean here the aesthete in me would sooner die than buy a GAMER chair.

who knows if the ergonomics will be any good but it’ll be worth keeping an eye on, I think. :slight_smile:

I’m curious to see the price point of that one chair shown in the article with the big cushions. If it has better ergonomics that those gamer chairs made out of car seats and a solid price then I’m curious.