One-sentence-per-post story

This is another classic forum game imo. I’ve more often seen it as ‘one word per post’ but you usually don’t get anything cohesive or interesting out of those, and also it takes forever to get anywhere. I’m hoping this is a good compromise!


  • Write one sentence per post, continuing the story from the last post’s sentence. Try not to drop a total non-sequitur!
  • Try to avoid run-on sentences. As a rule of thumb, keep it below 25 words - but it’s OK to go over this once in a while.
  • Short sentences can be fun too! One-word sentences are totally allowed.
  • No double-posting unless it’s been a few days since anyone else posted.

Apart from this, anything goes! What kind of story we write is up to all of us. :D


I’m sure we all have a decent idea of what content is and isn’t acceptable for a casual group storytelling experience like this. That said, I’d ask that if anyone asks you to remove or change the content of your sentence, please respect that and revise accordingly. Hopefully it won’t come up, but just in case!

If you’re uncomfortable asking someone to edit/remove their sentence directly, shoot me a PM and I’ll happily do it for you. :+1:

I’ll start us off!

All things considered, the situation could probably be worse.


It’s not like they were out of time, it was just… getting a bit tight is all.

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But they were alive, still breathing, and had enough food to last a few more days.


They heaved a sigh–of exhaustion, of relief–and took in their surroundings carefully.


The surrounding jungle was as quiet as a place like this gets.


Around midday the heat was suffocating, and most of the animals chose to nap through it.

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The air, tinged with the perfume of unseen flowers, lay heavily upon the rain-soaked leaves and seemed to smother all sound.

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His vision narrowed and blackened, and he heard the dark presence sulking within his mind whisper, “Do you know where to find it?”