Question about new3DS or 2DS ergonomics

I have some questions about the layouts and buttons on the various new3DS and 2DS models of 3DS that I would be really grateful if people had answers to.

I own an old3DS XL, I’ve really been feeling nostalgic for (3)DS games lately and some time back decided to hack it. But after holding it and trying out some quick games to make sure everything was working right I was reminded that I’d had my 3DS in a drawer for 7 years because my 3DS just hurts to play. My hands, particularly my finger joints and especially my thumbs, are really weak. They tire and ache after an hour of the most ergonomic keyboard and gamepad usage I can manage, but the design of my old3DS XL is murder on them.

There are three aspects of this old3DS XL that aggravate my hands:

  1. Every single button requires considerable effort to press down, and they’re also all very low-set against the system, which requires even more finger bending and muscle effort. On my old DS Lite, all the buttons are soft and press down with the lightest touch, while buttons on the old3DS XL are much firmer. They’re on the level of Joycon button stiffness, while I’d like… I don’t know, the soft face buttons of any reasonable modern and even old controller, I truly can’t think of another controller I’ve held that has buttons as stiff as the old3DS XL and Joycons. The amount of strain required to press buttons on the old3DS XL makes button holds agonizing, and the dpad practically unusable for more than 10 minutes.
    I can’t convey Touch over the internet, but here’s a subpar photo comparing the button depth between my old3DS XL (left) and DS lite (right) to demonstrate how shallow these buttons are.

  2. The placement of the dpad makes using it with your thumb really unnatural. This can’t really be helped with having the circle pad on the top, but the dpad being so low down in placement means I either have to shift my left hand into a really awkward uncomfortable grip in order to have my thumb outstretched while using the dpad. Or, if I hold the 3DS in the most natural grip, I have to bend my thumb to ridiculous, painful degrees to reach and press the already painful dpad.

  3. The circle pad, much like the buttons, requires far too much force to move around. Pressing my thumb against the circle pad feels like I constantly have a spring holding back against me trying to push my thumb back. It’s not as painful to use as the dpad, but still very quickly gets tiring and painful.

I was wondering if there is anyone here with a new3DS, new3DS XL, 2DS or 2DS XL, who could tell me if they feel the model they have doesn’t have these issues? Particularly, if there’s a 3DS model with significantly less button stiffness, I could live with the other two issues. I realize for people who don’t have sensitive hands, evaluating the ergonomics might be a bit difficult… This post is pretty wordy, I hope I’ve managed to explain the issues okay.

After putting my hacked old3DS XL back in its drawer, I started scrolling new3DS XL listings online because I just felt so frustrated, but I managed to stop myself from buying one because I really don’t know if a new3DS XL would be just as bad and if this is just a doomed endeavor and I’ll have to just live with awkward PC emulation. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone irl who owns a newer model, so I can’t try one out in person…

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funny, i was just holding my N3DSXL!

i think it’s the best feeling DS to hold that isn’t the 2DS. keep in mind i have huge hands as i explain myself further

for one the buttons don’t feel very stiff, BUT they are definitely shallow. dpad is kinda meh but that’s been true for all nintendo handhelds, at least for me lol. but it’s not as hard to reach from what i remember. the circle pad glides well enough imo.

i’d maybe look into the 2DS or 2DSXL tbh, the buttons pop out more. you can also get grips like these (just one example), which can help make them more ergonomic, and the dpad is closer to the circlepad as well. i don’t have one in person anymore tho and am going off memory. hopefully someone else here still has one and can give more detail!


As mint said, I’d check out a grip. Ultimately the basic shape of them hasn’t changed too much.

I’ve got a 2DS LL and it’s the lightest of this family I have used so my hands don’t get tired just holding it up. The 3DS XL it replaced on the other hand, I could tell when I’d been playing it for a long time. Once I’m back home I can snap a pic of the 2DS so you can see the placement. I find it pretty comfortable and the circle pad feels nice and responsive.


Thank you for your responses! I’m still feeling pretty unsure about putting down the money on a unit semi-blind, but I feel like I have a little bit more of an idea of what to look for. A grip would definitely be a good idea if I do buy another 3DS, if even just to alleviate the dpad position issue. I still want to find out more, so any more details or opinions are extremely welcome.

If it’s not too much trouble, would you be able to describe how the buttons feel to press? It might be a bit difficult to describe… You could compare it to other controllers or handhelds you have. (“Firmer than X controller, about the same as Y controller”) Any comparison or description you could think of really would be helpful. Looking up photos of new 2DS XL from side angles, the buttons don’t visually look very different from my 3DS XL’s, but it’s possible they’re different on the inside…

Sorry it took me a bit and I forgot to send the picture yesterday.

It’s been a while since I used a n3DS XL but while the 2DS LL still has clicky buttons, they feel like there’s just a bit less resistance to them. I’d compare it to the buttons on the DualShock 4 or Switch Pro controller, with a smidge more resistance when you first press. A key difference is that they have a much shorter distance to travel so that resistance just keeps you from accidental inputs.

edit: pulled out my Vita, they feel practically the same.

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Thank you for the photo and additional info! Switch Pro is my main PC controller, it’s a workable standard format controller that I can use fine for a couple hours with gloves and breaks. If the buttons on the 2DS XL are more in line with the Switch Pro, that’s really tempting.

I’m still a little bit on the fence, but when I first asked this question I hadn’t really considered the 2DS XL as a significantly differing option from the newXL at all, and now I really feel like that would probably be the choice. Tomorrow, I’m going to try to stop by the only store in the city I’m aware of that sells preowned game stuff. I don’t expect they’ll have any 3DS systems in store, I think most of their used items are on the web stock, but it’s worth a shot. I’m gonna stop by and ask if they have any 2DS XL or new 3DS XL in the store and if I can be a weirdo and just touch them with my hands. Even if that ends up being a bust, I feel better about semi-blind buying a 2DS rather than a new3DS XL, since even on the secondhand market those generally go for a bit cheaper.


keep us posted, hope it works out for u gamer :+1:t5:


Ah, thank you!! I did stop by the used games store yesterday, but wasn’t sure how interested people were so I was going to wait to post until I had more to say haha.

The game store (which has also been hit by the 2/3rds funko pop shelves disease, being the only physical video game specialist store left in the city afaik still doesnt spare you from that fate it seems) only had two original release systems at their location, so unfortunately that was a bust.

But when I got home yesterday, I had a look at what the options were on Swedish auction listings, and decided to go for a $240 buy now 2DS XL from a seller with good reviews. Not the cheapest price, but not awful, and equivalent to or cheaper than anything imported would add up to with shipping and tax. If they send it tomorrow, I might get it before easter holidays hit if I’m lucky. I figured I either commit to buying and trying out a system, or I’m just going to sit here twiddling my thumbs with indecisiveness forever, because who knows when the game store might randomly have a system in, and prodding my extended social circles didn’t get anywhere either… I might’ve been feeling irresponsibly empowered by a small $100 tax return too.

I’m keeping my excitement in check, without having touched a unit myself it’s impossible to know for sure if this revision will feel better for me, but I’m hopeful. If I do end up having to give it up and write off this whole endeavor, I’ll just resell it.


I hope it works out well for you and is a good solution for your needs!


game boy

So… It’s complicated. I opened up the package and put this in my hands and I was disappointed in some ways, but happily surprised in others. Overall… It’s not the night and day change I would’ve wanted, but there are enough small improvements that I am willing to give this one a try despite some remaining reservations.

The buttons are unfortunately still firm and clicky. However… They’re less so than the oldXL. If an old 3DS XL is a 10 on the painful clicky buttons scale, and a Switch Pro Controller is a 3, then the n2DS XL is… Maybe a 7? It’s hard to say without extensive use, but that’s my first impression. But there’s some other differences too. At first, I thought the buttons were actually bigger than the oldXL, but measuring them out that doesn’t appear to be the case. What they are though, is flatter, the buttons on the old3DS and particularly the dpad bulge out a little, which forces my fingertips to press down on a smaller concentrated area. The flatter buttons on this design makes it feel like I have a bit more area to spread out my force on when pressing down. The general button layout is also a bit more spaced out, the old3DS design has a frame around the bottom screen, but that’s missing here, and it gives the layout a bit more space to breathe. It’s only a difference of half a centimeter at most in some places, but the distribution of buttons feels slightly less cramped, and by extension my hands as well. The circle pad also feels like it has a bit less resistance to it, but it’s possible that could just be an effect of its placement being slightly further in, away from the edge…?

Also, this system is SIGNIFICANTLY lighter. I didn’t think this would be important, but immediately when I first picked it up it almost felt like I was just holding an empty shell, it felt so light. I weighed them, and the old 3DS XL only weighs around 330g, which isn’t much at all, but the n2DS XL is almost 100g lighter. Both of those weights are barely anything, but I guess with my weak ass hands that difference actually matters a lot. I can imagine the smaller weight making a positive difference for extended play sessions.

So… It’s a bit mixed, particularly I’m still a bit concerned about long time dpad use, since it’s still clicky even if less so and with some design differences. But I am willing to give this thing a try. I’m also getting a grip for it, I’m ordering one in from Japan since I got a white system and I could only find a white n2DS XL grip from a Japanese accessory manufacturer, so it’ll take a couple weeks to get here lol. If the weight listed on the product page is correct, tacking that on will make this thing weigh as much as the old XL did, which is fine, the change in form factor will probably offset the return to the old weight.

He is now being loaded up with many legal files. My hands are actually extremely worn out at the moment, I’ve been doing some heavy duty stuff at work, I had a sewing project the past week which is always straining, and I overdid it a bit playing a bit too much MHStories2, so I’m giving them a rest right now. But I’ll do some careful experimenting in the coming days, and maybe next week sit down and play something for a bit longer.

Thank you again for the information and suggestions!!! I am hoping I will be able to play a little bit of game boy on this thing… Pray for me and my weakling hands.


glad it (mostly) worked out! i also have had trouble with bad hands - have you tried a grip strengthener? those have been a godsend for me personally

hope the grip makes things better too :+1:t5:

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Thank you! I haven’t tried a grip strengthener… I have a stress ball, compression gloves, thumb braces and a 20min stretching regimen I squeeze in when I have time. I’m a little bit scared to try “DIY” treatments that haven’t been recommended by a physical therapist… But tbh I’m very frustrated and demoralized by the professional help I’ve gotten. :slightly_frowning_face: About once a year I feel “okay I want to get a professional opinion again” but every single time… Every single physical therapist I see, they just say “it’s probably tennis elbow” (I really doubt that’s true!!!) and recommend some braces to wear and give me a print out sheet of a couple stretches. Maybe it’s time to try getting an appointment again and attempt to put my foot down and beg for a proper diagnosis… But the epic social anxiety.

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Rip, totally feel this. Most of my pain was in my ulnar nerves so ulnar flossing helped, but it really is just throwing a bunch of shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

The wild thing for me is that the thing that fixed basically everything for me? A lower back massage. Apparently a whole bunch of my arm and hand tension was caused by the tendons being pulled into my lower back, presumably because of my desk job. The random masseuse I got paired up with gave me this info. They were more helpful than the THREE (3) PTs I tried, so I feel you fr fr. I hope your pain subsides!!


Wow, that’s WILD! I’m glad you got it resolved though! My pains started way back when I was in uni learning 3D modeling and animation, and I was spending all day, all week gripping my mouse and pressing modifier keys and keyboard shortcuts on the computer both at school and at home, and one day my hands just screamed in pain… Stretches, braces and resting mitigate it, but it’s still causing me trouble 8 years later and I’m just feeling kind of resigned at this point, mostly thanks to the endless “it’s probably tennis elbow”…