Ask for a recommendation, get a recommendation, for whatever you want.
Arbitrary recommendation request to get it going: good not-sandwich lunch options to pack for work.
Recommendation for things to ask for recommendations for in the recommendations thread?
Nothing’s easier to reheat than chicken & rice with scallions
music recs is a classic
agreeing with revie, chicken rice is good, esp a good chicken Fried rice with vegs ;w;
Maybe unconventional but a protein shake is super filling, takes minutes or less to do and is an easy carry (imo)
I do:
- one scoop of protein powder
- 8-12 ounces of almond milk
- a tablespoon of peanut butter
Blend and go
i have never found a protein powder that doesnt end up tasting significantly like cardboard, do you have recommendations?
can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Blog Set Up Recommendations?
unsure if i want to do one page like so example or something like zonelets etc where each post has its own separate webpage… i feel like former would be easier for me to update but harder to link things to, but on the other hand i Could just like, make a separate page for particularly Important ones? idk
What food prep/storage/reheating options do you have at work?
I’m not sure if this would be more or less complicated (bc it depends on what you’re more comfortable/familiar with), but I just threw my bearblog into an iframe on my site (I haven’t actively been using it yet but that’s another story <.<). It’s easier to update that way, but it does mean keeping your stuff on yet another site, which may be a dealbreaker.
what you could do is use those # links that can link within the same page, if you wanted to have it all on one page? I can’t remember if those are still supported but I used to use em all the time as a teen.
I just get the vanilla ice cream whey from optimum usually. Immq be honest I dunno if it won’t taste like cardboard to you but between the almond milk and peanut butter you probably won’t taste it at all. The protein justv exists for my weight lifting / filling needs - I sometimes do two spoons of PB to offset vanilla if I’m not in the mood. Just don’t get any of the chocolates or whatever that shit is always nasty imo
In the office there are public fridges, one microwave, and a somewhat intimidating toaster oven. If I walked to a nearby building there is an actual stove & oven but I prefer to stay in the same building
oh that’s an idea i reckon, but it’s also like, kinda what i had going with my dreamwidth feed, so that… May be a dealbreaker but i’ve also kinda wanted to check out bearblog so We’ll See
OH YEAH i do that on my changelog page for some reason as if someone’s actively seeking out when smth changed there LOL… htat’s Def an idea.
gonna post more on this on the website thread
Anyone got a good rec for a pillow for you to sit up in bed. I think they’re called reading pillows
@dismallyOriented It depends a little on how you feel about leaving things in the fridge/bringing things back and forth, but here are some more ideas:
- Potato (clean it, stab it a bunch, throw it in the microwave for ~10mins depending on size of potato and power of microwave)
- pita as the base of a flatbread pizza
easy “bring to work”-able topping ideas for those include (if you like them):
- “garden vegetable” (or other savory flavor) cream cheese, I like this flavor because it has vague “pizza”-y vibes
- HaaS (hummus as a spread)
- those laughing cow cheese wedges
- basil paste tube
- olives~~. nothing but olives. mountains of olives~~
- spinach or similar
- pepperoni
- bac’n bits
- canned fish/seafood of choice
- leftover meat or other protein
im not sure how protein-y it is but those vanilla premier protein energy drinks (white background, blue accents, red top–extremely unfortunate color pattern) are my breakfast and i certainly haven’t been getting Worse (food is weird for me but this is actually a glowing recommendation)
: we Loathe mayonnaise
We wanna make a lobster roll
Chefs in the forum: suggestions for mayo replacements that do not taste like mayo but would go good as the sauce of a lobster roll
For those curious, a lobster roll is usually lobster, herbs, and mayo on a bun. We found frozen lobster tail for cheap at Aldi’s
Already rejected:
- Tomato based sauces (bbq, ketchup, etc)
- Gravies (most of them)
- Mayonnaise or things made from mayonnaise (tartar sauce included)
- Things what are spicy (ow)
“Just butter” acceptable but if there are other ideas im super down to hear about them
As you said, clarified butter is the other classic topping. You can infuse it with garlic and other herbs during the clarifying process if you want to jazz it up, maybe add a dash of balsamic or rice vinegar for a little tang?