RSS recommendations, references, and troubleshooting

There’s been some RSS talk across a couple different topics so I thought it might be helpful to have a catch-all place, and a place where people who have questions (me lol) can go to ask.

Info about creating/maintaining RSS feeds, RSS feed placement or whatever, and RSS readers etc. are all good. The disclaimer is I’ve been too busy to do anything other than repost about it, I don’t even have one of my own yet which is why I made the topic ^^; :upside_down_face:


ok first question. if I haven’t set up an rss feed yet and just tell people to go to (which right now will just show off my fantastic 404 page), if I later set up an RSS feed at that URL, will it just work without any further effort on peoples’ parts?

Or will RSS readers reject it for not being in the right format or something?

also, follow-up question, do rss urls have to be .xml (or .php etc)?


I think you can set up an index.html that works like an rss feed at that folder and it MAY work. Possibly could be more work, but you can always make the index @ house the link for your rss feed and ppl can download/get the feed that way.

Thank you! so basically I would have that link either redirect or house an iframe with a link to the rss feed?

I need to do more reading but I’m so fried, I stayed up way too late making that video lmao

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Yea, you can either have a big ass rss picture that linsk to rss.xml or maybe just paste your rss text into that html. The second method im not too sure about but the first one will work. And then you just update your rss as necessary

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I threw together an rss.xml and tossed it up and it’s telling me I have no style. :joy:
roasted by my own website lmaooooo




so Quastion: how tf do i make an rss feed that automatically updates when my site does? i’m lowkey thinking i May have to use the rss feed that neocities generates when i update my site… but idk for Sure. the fact that u have 2 update an rss feed manually is what made me delete my old one haha

my amateur guess is you’d have to maybe do alot of backend stuff on the site to make it work that way. Like setting up a web of scripts or something

:pensive: ← he does not know js/etc

i may look into something with the neocities rss feed bc it automatically updates when i update my site but it’s not v descriptive (but i don’t really NEED that…) :thinking:

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We just made a new post and pushed it to RSS, y’all able to see it? for some reason even when i made the feed refresh I had to completely delete and re-add our RSS feed to get it to show up. i dunno if that was just Feedbro being weird or not.

(rss here just in case)


I see a post in there titled “10/1/21: Folks in need of aid” that links here, if that’s the one you’re thinking of then you’re good!


cool, that’s it! thank you !


I just checked it on my reader and it shows up. TEST came up b4 the mutual aid posts, but maybe thats cuz your rss items dont have a date posted pubdate on them.

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oh ok, do you have any sort of tutorial we can maybe use to add dates to them ?

Yea gimme a minute.

<pubDate>Thurs, 26 Sep 2024 12:13:32 EST</pubDate>

Here’s one from my RSS. IF you add pubdate its sposed to be in this format.

Mine is placed just above the description, but i think you can toss it anywhere between the item tags

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awesome, thank you so much!

This is a very good tool for checking that things in your RSS feed are most readable by readers.

It’s very fussy with the date/time field but I haven’t worried about that too much.