@robunny and I are running the back half of FFVI simultaneously so we figured we’d make a thread and yap about it here. Feel free to join in if you’re interested . we’re using the Ted Woolsey romhack with all of those nice QOL editions.
@robunny getting Cid to live is a huge pain in the ass and doesn’t get you anything tbh. I also feel like it makes more sense for him to die, narrative-wise, so I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it
when i stopped i managed to get Sabin and tried to get Terra but she’s being a hater rn so I guess I’ll be back to pick her up. heading north next
Last time I played VI, Celes being alone on the cliff really got to me and made me tear up.
Why I just happen to have a save knocking around in the dark world on the ol MiSTer from my most recent playthrough.
About where I left off
Sabin soloing the world and Celes is there
It really feels like that. Regretting that i didn’t put more time into them in world of balance cause their stats are kinda ass
What’s y’all’s go to party when you have/had the options?
So, I felt a little bad about it, but figured it was not a huge deal, so I don’t feel that bad about it. BUT, I do think it’s actually somewhat of a stronger narrative moment because I think there’s something more powerful in Celes giving up, finding a letter from Cid, and deciding to keep going. But, also, homegirl has been through enough, let her have her grandpa.
I also think it’s an interesting, if not terribly well done mechanic in terms of player choice. Like, informed decision-making is important and so, I think it’s always best to proceed with the most information possible. But, contextually, it’s much less likely that a player would’ve had access to this info in 1994, though probably not impossible. What I’m put in the mind of, to a lesser extent, is Bioshock and how the ending is determined based on if you harvested the Little Sisters or not (like, i think if you harvest more than one, you get the bad ending). Thats obviousy a bit different because there’s not much to let you know that you could literally kill him because you gave him a rotten fish (i did), I’ve just been kind of rotating that in my head.
it seriously rules how much Sabin just deletes enemies in World of Ruin right now. grinding still gonna take a while, but least he makes it easier.
Sabin is probably the most consistent member of your party throughout both halves of the game, TBH.
yeah Sabin rules, the hard part was understanding how blitz worked for me hahaha
I played it for the first time on a keyboard and thankfully the blitzes I used most consistently (the fire dance one and bum rush) are pretty reliable to pull off on a keyboard.
forgot we had a thread for this. making good progress lately. gonna see if I can get Shadow back next. Think after that it’s just Strago and Locke?
I lost several hours of progress. I’m.