Two things:
hiding likes
this was recently requested. i’ve done some digging. so first, it doesn’t seem possible to make it so that you can only see the like you gave to someone, tho if someone finds out otherwise in discourse’s CSS, let me know.
that said, i personally don’t want to turn it off for everyone either - i like likes since it means i can react to something without replying. so:
the solution
I’ll be using the plugin CSS Classes for Current User's Groups - theme-component - Discourse Meta to create a “Likes On” and “Likes Off” group. Those that join “Likes Off” will have this CSS applied to them:
body.category-your-category-slug(.group-group_name) { {
display: none;
This will remove the like button for the “Likes Off” group. Hopefully this is a good workaround, but I’m open to feedback.
hiding site clickthroughs
I hate this. It fucking sucks. I don’t like it. That’s my justification, I don’t feel like I need to add more but yeah. I hate that it shows you how many times a link has been clicked. who fucking cares.
the solution
.badge.badge-notification.clicks {
display: none;
unless someone has a REALLY good justification for wanting to keep seeing this, it’ll be site-wide. the only thing i’ve seen is that it can leave a strange-ish gap in the CSS. I personally don’t care but if y’all can convince me I won’t do it. good luck tho LOL.
expect these changes within the next two-ish weeks? I want to say sooner but i’ve learned it’s better to give headway for my own timeline when it comes to these sorts of things.
thanks for using auldnoir![1]
i know it’s too soon but i couldn’t resist ↩︎