Static's blog roll!

i finally figured out what i was doing wrong re: my custom domain and now! obsidian blog posts! IM VERY EXCITED

one day ill fix the landing link/what have you but you can check things out here


gonna add november’s post which should have the appropriate content warnings (and i believe ive shared before) then december’s post!

Zombies Where There Should Be Gardens



Curious to know how you fixed the problem with the custom domain :eyes: I wasn’t able to sort it and kind of just gave up and said “well whatever I guess I have to wait until I can move the domain to cloudflare”

Also I relate to the section in your latest with anxiety around streaming, though I think I come at it from a different angle. AND your Odds & Ends section is such a smart idea, love it


oh, i ended up changing to cloudflare because i am exactly 12% technically savvy there

if woudd like to share id like to hear your angle re: anxiety/streaming! and thank you for your comment and thank you for reading!!


sure thing! and good to know on cloudflare, I suppose I’ll swap over that domain sometime soon.

re: my anxiety with streaming, it’s just that I can’t get to a point where I feel like streaming is an obligation. Things like setting schedules and the like start to give me that feeling, and then I feel trapped and don’t want to do whatever it is, no matter how much I enjoy it. I start to feel extreme anxiety around the activity and want to give it up altogether.


mm I get that, I feel like i have to lie to myself and be like “I’m not doing that” as I continue to set up my stuff and even as I press Stream Now I’m still saying it to myself and that’s 98% of how I get anything done :upside_down_face:


If anyone would be cool with me linking to their site, please share! Working on adding some more stuff for the new year


First post for January!


just adding for reference (im lowkey hoping since i check the forum so much thisll help me remember that im trying to be a lowercase s streamer)



venting about streaming:

i want to do it cause i love having a record of how i felt about games/it gives me lil breadcrumbs that help me keep a journal of myself

i hATE IT because it is work (which i respect) actually i probably only hate it because im still in the process of figuring out a set-up that works for me so if unforeseen problems do pop up at least id have a routine i feel comfortable enough in so that i can problem solve instead of wanting to throw the entire process away

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added a References and Recommendations page and highkey obsessed because the number of my saved tabs and bookmarks are finally going down

thinking about some kind of contact page so people can lmk if something has changed with any of the links but thats being very trusting of the general public and i probably dont need to do that


you’ve got to do better is for today and highkey so i don’t have to worry about making a post for the rest of the month :sweat_smile: