Steam NextFest 2K25!

happy steam nextfest xbox!!!

feel free to post games you’re interested in from the fest, talk about demos you played or games you’ve added to your wishlist, etc!!

i personally love cultivating an entire section of my steam wishlist to games that aren’t out yet haha.

here are the ones i’ve added to my wl so far! haven’t played any demos yet but :eyes:

and a special shoutout to this game because holy shit just look at it


peep aethermancer folks, it’s by the people that did monster sanctuary and it bangs even as not a big roguelike fan

also bongo cat


Havent played much because i’ve been totally sucked into Brickadia, which is like if Blockland was new or if Roblox was good. It’s truly the pinnacle of Computer Legos and even the demo has so much to offer.


oh another banger

roguelike sonic the hedgehog


HAPPY STEAM NEXTFEST XBOX if I take a break from monstering those hunters over the weekend I will check out some demos


Gotta put a shoutout to the most PS2 ass game I’ve played in a while

Edit: also putting a link out to this game which is a bit rough around the edges in the way solo dev games can be, but there’s something interesting here.

Elevator pitch is it’s an action game with day progression mechanics centered around guitars.

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This is a fun Roguelite, nothing super groundbreaking, but it’s nice and actiony. It’s not my term, but I’d consider it “Goopy”

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