I need to know if I’m the only user on this site into tabletop miniature wargaming. I was into 40k (Tau because Mechs) at like 14 and got a big star wars legion box recently that I’m trying to finish off. Anybody else like painting a figurine?
those are some cool heckin guys
i never got into miniatures but they’ve always been fascinating to me. one of those mediums i’d probably go ham in if i didn’t have multiple hyper-fixations vying for my attention already lol
I really loved the Lord of the Rings game as a kid. I only ever had the starter set but I looooved playing out scenarios. My family couldn’t really afford the paints, so was only able to paint a couple minis with the paints that came with the starter set, but I enjoyed that aspect as well.
I can’t remember the name now, but there was a hobbyist site (remember when there used to be multiple websites?) that would write about the upcoming sets that I’d check nearly every day. I remember browsing their store page and writing down every set I wanted with pen and paper lol. I’d read their terrain guides as well and draft plans for all the maps I’d (never) make.
Never revisited it as an adult though. It’s clearly very time and money consuming and I developed other interests. I’m sure I’d enjoy it if I ever tried it though.
Watched someone play this last night. Seems fun as hell! Nonviolent/coop "war"game (basically uses wargame-ish logic for things like minis, moving, etc). They do a lot with very little.
Halfway done my first Geonosian. Need to do highlights, basing, the smoke tuft under the foot and some detail work but it is table-ready!
By table ready I mean that on Sunday they won me a game by coming in from the edge of the map onto an objective point so I could score it and win the game
Leader of the CIS, the Treacherous Count Dooku!
I’m pretty much done my Star Wars legion army now! I might pick up a box of minis from this line if it’s really out there (like the teases grievous wheelbike) but I am pretty satisfied with my collection. This was a great army to start to figure out different techniques, like Zenithal undercoating, drybrushing, batch painting, and shading!
That said, I will be moving on to Warhammer 40k! Some members of my legion group are interested in getting into it. We’re going to start with Killteam, but the goal is a 1000 point list for a narrative campaign!!! I’m picking Aeldar
My god, I’m also going to paint the hand me down Warhammer fantasy dwarves my cousin gave me 10 years ago
Go with God, I’ve never been able to really dig in to wargaming but have always found it fascinating.
Ok, this is what I’m working with for Dwarves. I will be painting them to look like D&D Duergar!
This is a 750 point list for One Page Rules Regiments!
++ Dwarves (v3.4.1) [AOFR 750pts] ++
Dwarf Champion [1] Q3+ D4+ | 80pts | Fearless, Hero, Slow, Tough(3), 1x Rune Lord(Caster(2))
Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1))
| Joined to:
Warriors [10] Q4+ D5+ | 75pts | Shield Wall, Slow
10x Hand Weapon (A1)
Berserker Lord [1] Q4+ D6+ | 65pts | Fearless, Furious, Hero, Slayer, Slow, Tough(3), 1x Veteran Slayer(Battle Eager)
Great Axe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
| Joined to:
Berserkers [5] Q4+ D5+ | 100pts | Fearless, Furious, Slayer, Slow, Musician
5x Dual Hand Weapons (A2)
Marksmen [10] Q4+ D5+ | 150pts | Slow
10x Rifle (18", A1, AP(1)), 10x Hand Weapon (A1)
Drake Marksmen [5] Q3+ D3+ | 160pts | Slow
4x Fire Rifle (18", A2, Rending), 5x Hand Weapon (A1), Twin Fire Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
Dwarf Artillery [1] Q4+ D5+ | 120pts | Entrenched, Immobile, Tough(3)
Crew (A3), Flame Cannon (18", A2, Blast(3), Reliable, AP(1))
New Years Resolution is to paint all my minis before buying more