The Micro Blogging Timeline

NO… how can this be! :(

Huffpo wrote about it. I figure most people have the sense to realize that even if it weren’t explicitly illegal it would be a really bad idea. I feel like in the past couple decades financial literacy has gone down massively but I know at least part of that comes down to me being an ape-watcher. Probably a fair bit of post-crytptocurrency wishful thinking about get rich quick schemes in both cases


The kids need to do a real financial crime, like wire fraud.


upside of direct democracy and ballot initiatives: wow i get to vote on the stuff my state should do or not do!

downside of direct democracy and ballot initiatives: how are there 14 ballot initiatives this year. you’re the elected officials, can you guys not legislatively refer stuff like “should we hold people in positions of power accountable” to me and just do that yourselves

like it's cool that a vote legitimizes this stuff but some of this is definitely in 'this could have been an email' territory, but for legislation. i guess i at least get three weeks to mull over all the votes because this is an all-mail state?
Type Title Description
CICA Amendment 79 Provide for a state constitutional right to abortion and repeal provision banning the use of public funds for abortions
CICA Amendment 80 Provide a constitutional right to school choice including neighborhood schools, charter schools, private schools, homeschools, open enrollment options, and future innovations in education
LRCA Amendment G Expands the property tax exemption for veterans with a disability to veterans with individual unemployability status
LRCA Amendment H Creates an independent judicial discipline adjudicative board and create rules for the judicial discipline process
LRCA Amendment I Remove the right to bail in cases of first-degree murder when the proof is evident or the presumption is great
LRCA Amendment J Remove the provision of the state constitution that says “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state”
LRCA Amendment K Change deadlines for filing initiative and referendum petition signatures and judicial retention notice deadlines to remove one week in order to allow one extra week for the secretary of state to certify ballot order and content and election officials’ deadline to transmit ballots
CISS Proposition 127 Prohibit trophy hunting, defined as “intentionally killing, wounding, pursuing, or entrapping a mountain lion, bobcat, or lynx; or discharging or releasing any deadly weapon at a mountain lion, bobcat, or lynx”
CISS Proposition 128 Require that persons convicted of certain violent crimes serve more of their sentences before being eligible for parole
CISS Proposition 129 Create the profession of veterinary professional associate (VPA) requiring a master’s degree and registration with the state board of veterinary medicine
CISS Proposition 130 Allocate state revenue to a new fund, called the Peace Officer Training and Support Fund, for law enforcement recruitment, retention, training, and death benefits
CISS Proposition 131 Establish top-four primaries and ranked-choice voting (RCV) for federal and state offices in Colorado
LRSS Proposition JJ Allow the state to retain tax revenue collected above $29 million annually from the tax on sports betting proceeds
LRSS Proposition KK Levy a 6.5% excise tax on firearms and ammunition manufacturing and sales to be imposed on firearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors and appropriating the revenue to the Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Cash Fund to be used to fund crime victim services programs, education programs, and mental and behavioral health programs for children and veterans

oh fellow coloradan holy shit

anyways. yeah. lmfao. i take a day with a friend who’s a retired leftist african-american judge and go over all this shit with him so i can get an understanding of everything whenever it’s ballot season


I’m stupified. What the fuck lol

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I think a lot of it is because a lot of people don’t know how checks work at all so it was easy to get bamboozled into thinking that was okay.

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I chalked it up to another thing dumb teens do (as they’ve always done, and will always keep doing, speaking as a former teen), but what stuck to me the most was it being worded as a “glitch” (acceptable in the case of an actual programming failure) but also as “infinite money cheat”. It led me to thinking it wasn’t just your average dumb teen, but a very specific dumb teen that’s very online, plays a lot of videogames and does little else.


Trans name situations can be kind of wild. I happen to be the kind of guy who just picked a placeholder and had it put down roots, and it’s more or less my name. But I do still kind of like being able to have a different name that isn’t now my legal one. In the way that some spaces know me by name and others just have dO. Is it a trans thing? Is it being a digital native and missing the ability to be in a space with no connection to my irl name? Fuck if I know


It was giving me flashbacks to tumblr’s “infinite chocolate” GIF, which basically operated on the same gonzo logic. Just. With wildly less devastating stakes.


Yeah. I happened to grow up in a town where there were just Enough Chinese and East Asian folks around that people were less weird about a lot of the things that white people get weird about. So we didn’t have to tell these sorts of jokes (or only interacted with them in the company of other Asians). But also there were still incidents; you know how teens can be, and they’ll be cruel to people at the bottom of the pecking order in whatever ways are convenient for them.

Sucks to not be able to just extract them fully from the reach of racist harassment. But I do want to shoutout one faculty intervention that did help me out. This was during my stint as a student TA for one of the elementary schools. One of the kids asked me if I spoke Chinese, and when I said yes, they unfortunately started the usual gibberish mimicking. I didn’t have my shit together enough to respond, but thankfully the teacher noticed and intervened. They were still like, 6 year olds, so I don’t know what level of understanding they walked away from that with, but at the very least they knew Never to do that again, and the teacher’s apology and debrief with me afterward genuinely helped me get it together again after. Even if faculty intervention can be super limited, it still Counts when it does work.


It’s too damn hot, stop being mid-80s-90s in September. This is the cold state dammit!

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I’ve been flat out working on my Obsidian vault, GMing and working on a project for like three days I am TIRED (but I feel very accomplished). was lucky it was a dead day in work today LOL

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There may be a way to configure it as such but what I really would want out of Buttondown is the ability to attach one 5MB file per post. Like, yes, I can link to Box or GDrive or even my own cloud server but I feel like it’s more intimate if the file is embedded rather than linked externally

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The bunny got some art


Look, I’m not coming out here to say he’s, like, an inherently evil person. I’m just saying that if you had some like multibillionaire dude who is like the most famous guy in media and his whole schtick was making weird deals with people that are likely to leave them traumatized and also his production style was “devoid of personality beyond what is most marketable” and you called him mr beast I would say that this was the worst-written episode of the twilight zone I’d ever seen please make satan more subtle in the rewrite


I’m pretty sure I had a conversation in my TTRPG server about someone who was planning a character with the exact name and schtick, except he would be an actual devil doing bargains


I also had another conversation about how if you snip out his smile from the bottom of most pictures, you can see that the soul has long left the body


Revie Meadows awarded title of Hottest Boy And Or Girl Of All Time by Everyone
(I do this every time I get new clothes or accessories)