The Micro Blogging Timeline

I slept for like almost 12 hours wtf


My new twist sponge is amazing. It twists my hair super well and tight. Maybe too tight? The twists persist even after i sleep on them. I should maybe get in the habit of picking my hair b4 bed.

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(still reading the book) these squids horny as hell

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My loud ass neighbour who’d blast gospel songs at 8am has moved out, life is good sometimes


After weeks of struggling and some donations, the ttrpg server I’m in finally managed to get the lebanese girl out of the country. She’s going to stop at the UK before heading to the US, but its already a relief.

It was so stressful hearing about the bombings from her before any of the news, and waking up not being sure if she was still going to be around.


a blog about this is probably going to come out tomorrow refining my thoughts but it’s both remarkable and not remarkable how empty solarpunk is, and how being strongly influenced and bought into by Tumblr users angled it for the worse


I hate all punks that aren’t cyber (and sometimes also cyber), I want to eat up a takedown on solarpunk

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The word “content” has stopped having any meaning for me now, it’s just an atonal beep in my skull every time I hear it


no promises, but i do think i have a fairly salient critique of it that i’m trying to refine at length here

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checking the news (big mistake) and wow, israel is very committed to testing the left-wing notion that there is no country in the world which deserves to be under crippling military and financial sanctions and a total embargo. i don’t even think you can put any of the images from this latest atrocity on the news, they’re that graphic


I genuinely avoid saying it these days even if it makes my sentence sound wrong. Unless it’s the “feeling okay” kind of content.

Incidentally, the UN finally got around to declaring Israel has been and is doing war crimes. Not that I heard anybody talk about it ever.


need physical affection but our partner lives 500 miles away i feel like a dog about to start running around and biting things


Been mulling over the Pokemon leaks and coming to the sad realization I got a solid 7 years of life in me before the franchise became so ubiquitous.

I never had a god damned chance.


sometimes the problem really is just operator error

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love my brain goes “You have used your Free Trial of Language Processing today” and decides i no longer can listen to anyone


it’s here, take your pick of reading medium.

sidenote: i cut expanding on it for time (and because it might be better as a standalone post), but i think solarpunk also has significant difficulties with being meaningfully plurinational. solarpunk aesthetics and grenre still kind of rely on the framework of what westerners think the world should look like, even though many of the coolest things solarpunks want to incorporate in a solarpunk world are things that were pioneered by non-westerners who may not see the world the same way as we do. food for thought.


i suppose my feelings would be summarized best by a statement: you can’t build a cohesive political movement out of aesthetic and genre.

Yea, this is a good summary on why almost every -punk sucks. Its people drawing landscapes, funny clothes, intricate vehicles, but not putting any substance into them. Its also why Cyberpunk has been culturally stagnant for decades: Its all cribbing the same original ideas from the 80s, and hardly any effort into adapting to our modern cultural realities. You still have the same megacorpos, the same augmentations, Japan, gangs, and…it feels like a farce rather than criticism.

Then you end up with, I don’t know, Steampunk. Its having cogs in your clothes and muskets. What are the people like, their governments, their culture? Who knows. Even more ridiculous is something like Hopepunk which. Ugh.

This would’ve been a great addition.


Idk if you follow the Youtuber Andrewism but he’s a Caribbean leftist youtuber who is also a proponent of solarpunk. I don’t know if seeing any of his videos might useful or of interest, regarding that side tangent.

realized that i actually kind of hate Blogging in the official sense and trying to figure out how to break out of that (like i just wanna post bullshit on the internet without freaking out which is kind of what microblogging was helping me do–sometimes) / i posted something thats not Finished to prove to myself posting UnFinished things is not the end of the world but i havent been back to the drawing board since


stares like a :sickos: in digital gardening