Thanks for the place to hang out.
Auldnoir is built off of Discourse, a piece of software with a terrible name but a pretty great feature-set, in my humble opinion.
I love Auldnoir but this is so true. I’ve been desperately trying to find other forums, especially if there’s any brazilian ones, but its so freaking hard to search because of this stupid name.
Agreed on the bad name and good feature set. I particularly like how Discourse feels on mobile, which I imagine wouldn’t be the same for ProBoards or any of the oldschool message board services. I feel pretty much equally comfortable on here between desktop and mobile, which is a huge plus.
yeah Discourse’s name has always been a very “huh. ok.” name since we first saw it, the way it works is just. so so nice though.
and yeah, we really love Auldnoir. it’s awesome and the community is lovely. i know we kind of came in here as a rando, but we are really grateful to hang out here.
As an old forum-head I definitely fuck with Discourse (the forum but not the social media concept) generally. Good mix of the good parts of forums with a modern twist.
It’s been super nice and easy to use!
I do high key miss forum signatures LMFAO admittedly not the most accessible thing nowadays but it was so much fun
Sunday project
i think we were thinking the same thing just the other day
I have nothing particularly negative to say about discourse, but another forum I tend to frerquent chose specifically to migrate to xenoforo relatively (as in let’s say within the last 5 years or so) recently because of its resemblance to vbulletin and phpforum of the now older internet. I like xenforo a lot but it’s paid software, and to my knowledge discourse is not.
Self-hosting is cool (I self-host instances of jellyfin, owncloud, and sunshine in particular) and more people should do it, and self-hosting is much easier with open-source solutions like discourse. Would I host a discourse blog myself? Probably not, because while I am willing to administer computer hardware, I am not quite so interested in administering a social organization.
ETA because I got too excited: I’ve said it before but I really like it here! it’s just Better than socmed in pretty much all conceivable ways. happy to be here :D
+1 on having a great time here and being excited about signatures. I do still self-consciously feel like I’m a bit of a stranger on here, not because anyone’s been rude to me or anything! But just because I was just someone who followed Mint on Cohost and I didn’t know anyone here personally beforehand. Just me being a bit awkward and shy, but I really am enjoying the little community on here, and just the simple fact of being in a community at all. Making a silly post about what game I’m playing in the thread here just feels better than on any social media, because everyone on here is a user who signed up with a profile and post history who I’m learning to know and recognize. Whereas on social media… You’re just throwing your posts out into the void for actual strangers to read and react to, you have your follows and followings and timelines but it’s all so separated and isolated. Really enjoying being back on a forum and I think this is a great one.
I think I’ve mentioned before that I overall really like Discourse, and forums in general (I wrote a whole big post about it even!), except for some of the “modern web dev influences” or whatever I called it at the time.
IIRC this forum is your second attempt at your own semi-open online social space @mint? Sunset Cafe or something I think.
same tbh
me too! I’ve felt very welcome here though :D it’s been nice
omg… i have no reason to be self-conscious… its just like back in the day when you would google “sonic forum” and join a new message board with all these new people youve never talked to before and get to know everyone…
yesss! that’s what I’ve been loving about it. I met so many people like that in the mid noughties and it was awesome
I have found the people here really welcoming despite knowing hardly any of them even a little bit
the name is a bit odd but functionally discourse seems excellent
I have mostly used it on mobile and it works really well
Gotta name your software something, I suppose, and it sticks in your head I guess
I’m catching up on comments here and cracking up at “I dunno I just knew mint and now I’m here.”
The joke’s on you nerds: this was my plan all along. My Stand, Good Taste, applies to people as well!!! Now you’re all in one spot for me to community manage the hell out of!!!
You are correct, but it was an incredibly stupid idea to try and run a forum, have a job and go to grad school at the same fucking time, in retrospect
Yep, that’s one full plate lmao