(Shard) As social media platforms break down and decline, ve’ve been rather concerned about the longevity of what ve post around. So my wingmate Vesta decided to make a personal site, scoli.zone, for all of us and I’ve found it fun to work on! It’s very reassuring knowing I could post anything there and have a working backup of it and if the webhost ever goes down I could just move the HTML/CSS/JS somewhere else.
At the same time, I know there’s large barriers to entry for even making basic websites, so I’ll link some resources that have helped us.
Thanks for the heads up on these. I was trying to poke around my neocities page the other day and closed it after a minute or two of looking at the HTML, realizing I forgot everything I once knew.
I’ve got a small, sporadically updated blog over at https://coffeentacos.moe/. I was using zonelets for a while but recently switched over to 11ty while maintaining the layout I had with zonelets. It’s been nice to have minimal extra work to do beyond typing up a post but getting it set up was a bit of a hassle.
Now I’m thinking of changing up layout and figuring out how to do a bunch of things I’ve seen and would like to have! Been fun playing with html and css and learning new things.
It’s a “digital garden” style site, an idea I stole from mint lmao. Consequently though I’ve not done any webdev beyond setting up the github->vercel pipeline, I just push markdown files and hope it looks alright :')
Great thread! I’m definitely gonna be looking at all these links.
About half a year ago, I set up my Neocities https://abstractcactus.art/ to replace my now-deleted tumblr blog that I had used as a gallery for like a decade. I’ve relearned the most basic html and css for dummies, and at parts googled up some small code to stealborrow to hack together what I’ve got lol. I bought the domain a month back or so, my first time owning a domain!!! And I only had it as a lazy redirect and didn’t properly set up the url until yesterday lol. It’s been so fun and fulfilling to put together, even if it’s really basic.
It’s pretty basic and I haven’t had the courage to do my own CSS yet (i’m using sadgrl’s template rn) but it’s been fun to work on!
I’m also using zonelets but alongside zonelets, im using 3legged’s zonelets, but with tagging, It took me a bit to set up, not because it was hard to set up, but bc im an idiot (forever thankful i have friends who are more familiar with coding than me aaaa)
yes hello! I’m a big webcode nerd who finally made el own [neocities] last year. it is a permanent wip and (very) infrequently updated, but it does exist. I cherish all guestbook messages just sayin
if anybody would like to affiliate, hit me up :D
@maja just wanted to say your art is incredibly lovely! the colours and shapes are so fun to look at
16/09/24 ETA: the link has been redacted until I have a weekend to rebrand and update everything lmao…
yep i use obsidian publish on a student discount now that i don’t use the dg plugin anymore. just press the publish button and then you pick which pages you want uploaded. easy-breezy. then bought a domain and linked it up, only took a few minutes to get set up!
you can also upload a CSS file to change the design
Vercal was just annoying for me, it’d break constantly. But the upside is that it can run the dataview plugin, obsidian publish can’t. So if you use a lot of dataviews I’d actually recommend dg!
I opened this site just now and seeing your profile pic larger I only now realized that’s it’s upside down lol. My brain interpreted it as like an imp in a jar or something??
EHEHE that gave me a good giggle. yeah I watched Zeta Gundam like… a year and a half ago? and pretty much since then have been using Upside-Down Sus Kamille as my icon everywhere. I just feel him.