Oh dang! Glad you could restore it. I’ll have to figure out where i am
keeping in mind that i am a lowercase g gamer, i love Spirit Swap so much and i want it on every device i have because this would fix the doomscroll’s hold over me i just know it
i streamed for about an hour and a half today because the team gave me a code (ive been obsessed/waiting since that one game devs of color announcement years ago) and i just am having THEE time of my black gay lil neurodivergent life
mention about weight and eating (i haven’t seen one super thin character yet and as someone who has been having a Time with weight/eating i didnt expect how healing itd be just to see black and brown queer fat characters like im sobbing a lil ngl)
and am honestly just trying to be Less Sleepy so i can stream again today
will this be the first game i stream to completion? let us hope
I’ve not been playing much of Castlevania Legends, but I have been enjoying it when I do go back to it, and its honestly surprisingly fun for an original gameboy platformer with all the wonky hit detection and occasionally frustrating level design that implies, though Sonia has significantly more health than her successors, at least. The manual claims there’s alternate endings depending on how many of the original subweapons you can find hidden throughout the game (You can’t use them though, instead you get access to spells when you beat a boss, although the first one does act the same as the stop watch), so that’s exciting. Its also pretty short, so “I’ve not been playing much of it” still means I’m on the final level (though I’m gonna go back through level 4 to get the hidden subweapon, missed it at first)
I’m fully bronzed up but still want to upgrade the gear; since trolls are super annoying when I’m mining, I’ve adopted the tactic of “shoot a few arrows > oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck its coming after me > it turned back, shoot a few arrows > repeat” and managed to fell two. Not great loot, but at least it has given me some safety.
I should go back to actually exploring the map at some point, after sating the Good Chemicals with these upgrades.
The part where you mention about how it delivers things earnestly and that’s why it works is so very true. I can think of so many pieces of media that fail in this regard. Hell, Deadly Premonition 2 takes the wrong lessons from what worked about the first and feels far weaker as a result (the rest of the issues with that game are besides this point).
Well, ya make a compelling case!
A crazy thing about Earthbound is that, even counting the few archaic elements pointed out, it still does so many interesting QOL ideas that 2025 games miss out on. This is a game on the SNES that has 1) enemies on the field that you can see and avoid and 2) Instant kill any encounter that’s far lower than your current level
One detail I wasn’t crazy about - as someone who also picked it up multiple times but never finished - is how much it loves to split the party, especially when introducing new members.
But yea, actually having faith in your writing and making it earnest is always a boon. That’s basically a huge reason why Yakuza works so well.
Been trying to pace myself on RPGs, because even though I want to get to them since I have a bunch I want to get to, I know that playing several in succession will just mean I don’t get through most of them.
Started playing Tinykin and it’s nice! 3D platformer with some light puzzling drawing from Pikmin with some fun twists on how they work. It’s always a bit tough platforming in games like this when your character is a 2D sprite in a 3D environment and they mostly pull it off outside of a few edge cases.
After talking with a coworker about Terraria I felt like playing Terraria so I started a new Terraria world. Goal is to go through Master Mode by myself, because I haven’t yet.
Ended up assembling Terraspark Boots (the highest-tier boots with a fairly large set of required ingredients) before even fighting the first boss, and then fighting slime king with a shitty gold bow and eye of cthulhu with a melee weapon, the blade of grass.
Turns out, stacking tons of defense on your accessories adds up quick! I was barely taking any damage, maybe like 20 per hit from the boss.
This was way trickier than I expected. Should’ve beefed up my armor more, maybe my weapon too. It was like fighting a Troll+1 but too risky to try a parry.
Well, at least I managed it, so just get back to the home base and
Ah, shit.
At least I died pretty close to the shore.
It’s delightful to me to see you having fun with Valheim! it really is a special little game imo
mother 1 and 3 time.
(not for me, I already played them)
Made it to the final boss of Casltevania Legends and wow, this one is very good at setting you up to die in the first five seconds by doing what seems like the right play to be defensive and passive so you can learn his patterns
i’ve actually already played M3, probs gonna replay it tho since i haven’t since the original translation patch (not even 1.03 lmfao)
Castlevania Legends conquered! The bats in the final level were kind of annoyingly bullshit, but not so frequently as to ruin the runback, and this one, on the whole, did a weirdly good job of nailing that “hard but satisfying” vibe I loved so much about Dracula’s Curse, I could really see myself looking back on this one fondly (And again, its pretty short, so it might even be something I revisit to see what happens if I don’t collect any of the secret items, or look up where to find the last one). I’m also somewhat sad to report that, by complete coincidence Sonia’s speech to Dracula after beating him hits way harder if you’ve played Lament of Innocence (Its probably meant to evoke a similar thing from Symphony of the Night/pre-existing Castlevania lore, since it was released in the same year as that and has other direct references to SotN, but that’s not what my mind jumped to first)
Anyways, I guess I’m doing Pokemon Black next? I don’t want to stop my Castlevania playthroughs but I have significant headway in just one month, and I do want to make this deep dive last a bit longer, I can already tell I’m gonna have to put in replays to explore the alternate modes and get alternate endings and so on
final thoughts
Wow, getting the mystery gifts for Pokemon Black was way easier than I thought, the hardest part was just making sure I had all the ones I wanted, since you can’t, like, scroll through a list of all the ones available to pick out one in particular. Much as I love Meloetta, I’m not gonna let myself use her until I’m in the postgame, but I do think this shiny Larvitar, and potentially this mystery egg, will be joining my party right now
Played the demo for the Mice Tea sequel and fuck this one seems even more Laser Targeted at my specific gender situation than the original (they said as though this were disastrous and not actually really cool)