What are you playing?

I had no idea a Mice Tea sequel was in the works, I still haven’t played the original. Good for them!


They actually have two visual novels in the works right now, both seemingly pretty similar in content and style but sometimes more really is better.


While getting the mystery gifts over wifi was exceedingly easy, getting Entralinked running so I can do Game Sync is giving me a bit more trouble. Luckily, I care a lot less about that one, but I still wish I was able to play around with it, get some of the c-gear skins (Croagunk AND Porygon-Z got one???)

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I of course IMMEDIATELY hopped on Rift of the NecroDancer. Game is fucking brutal. Tho, tbf, probably doesn’t help that I started playing on Hard straight away lmao.

The gimmick is pretty much just funky annoying beat notation, but I’m really vibing with it. The fact that it’s a shitty bat that moves around as you hit it makes it more satisfying to land everything.

Also, I do greatly enjoy the music & artstyle, and also it’s got both Rhythm Heaven and musical Punch-Out in it somehow (the latter of which is my least favourite part, but c’est la vie).



Not gonna lie, I’m starting to feel a little underwhelmed by my options. After felling The Elder, I gathered my things and made camp again, decided to up my gear as much as I could, though the next steps don’t feel as enjoyable.

I decided to read up the wiki and there’s a merchant I gotta find somewhere but I don’t think there’s clear directions for that, and the next area will require me to invest in Mead production which is the part that I do find entertaining, but the game’s vagueness about its world makes it less so.

Another thing I appreciate about Earthbound (renewed when I was playing the randomizer of it and Superstar Saga), enemies who are weaker than you RUN AWAY. I was so sick of fighting 8 HP enemies in Superstar Saga when I was dealing 50 damage, but in Earthbound, they run away or they get OHKO’d.


Wrapped Emerald Seaglass yesterday, it’s just as good as regular Emerald, which is to say: it’s real good. I love Hoenn as a region quite a lot so I found it enjoyable to just spend time there again with a relatively new squad.

It does remind me how challenging it can be to go back to older Pokémon games and…kind of force yourself to temporarily unlearn key gameplay changes. The existence of Fairy-type, Steel’s resistance to Dark and Ghost, the physical/special split…all things that have to be held behind a kind of mental wall. Seaglass of course avoids this, but conversely, I do kind of miss a bit of the “simplicity” of the older games, even if it’s detrimental to some Pokémon.


I love when a game does this. Acknowledging that you’ve moved beyond the enemies and not wasting your time is something a lot of games could do more of.

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:mushroom:: hard stages with 120+ BPM should be banned on account of i dont like them :c

Elaboration: we have trouble with independent movements with our fingers/hands (ie; in a pinch we have trouble sending independent commands to different fingers, especially if those commands are similar) and also frequently get left and right mixed up
Hard stage + fast BPM + a lot of sudden switching of action like that = easy overload

Im having a great time to be clear, i LOVE rhythm games, just Augh


re-playing Night in the Woods for the billionth time recently

Angus’ ghost investigation section is going to make me cry no matter how many times i’ve replayed it ;;


Chewing on the very end of Persona 3 Portable. Had to stop because my eyes are very unhappy with me but it’ll be good to close the book on this one.


Hey Rift of the Necrodancer good and the tracks slap. Alex Moukala continues to be the GOAT so happy he’s on this one


Wait did you beat it already??

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no almost

im love fast-forward


I think I found the superboss in Baten Kaitos Origins and there’s a small part of me, the part that’s willing to ignore the fact it probably has tens if not hundreds of thousands of HP, that’s willing to try and whittle it down. Because it has a really slow turn speed, and I do have more healing cards than I’ll ever need. So put in a few more of those than I normally use against bosses, focus in on a few specific EX combos, especially ones with bonus effects… it’d take hours, might have to split it up into multiple sessions, but I think I could do it.

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Read a lot here that rhymes with what I wrote about it. Huge agree regarding the art and design too; this is a stunningly beautiful game.


hashtag winning



Just don’t really feel like playing it anymore. It has far too much forced combat for a game that relies on a Stamina mechanic, then adding unavoidable negative effects that delay its recharge even more. Increasing that and Health with food makes in-world sense, but it also deprives me of a feeling of growth; TBH, Dragon Quest Builders was another game where you didn’t increase your HP, but it was far, far more merciful.

Ultimately this is a game that wants you to struggle and scrap around, which I gotta imagine is enjoyable for a large amount of players but completely misses the mark with me. The lack of any kind of fast traversal option makes wandering around the world a slog, inventory and weight limits turned my home into a den of chests, the randomness of the map makes the possibility of a journey turning into a waste of time very high, and I didn’t really feel like the equipment crafting and base building was worth my time.

A few attempts at the Swamp was enough to realize that this just wasn’t made for me. Somehow the deep end of Subnautica is a far less oppressive and more enjoyable world to me than this.

I’d say that its Early Access could add a benefit of doubt to me, but my gripes with it aren’t mechanical, rather the philosophy of its game design just isn’t what I’m looking for.

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I think my roommate and I when we got to the swamp ended up cheesing the boss of the area. It definitely feels like a much different and unkind game once you get to that point.