What Have You Been Watchin?

I literally forgot he had done The Walking Dead until this post, glad I never got into that one. I watched the first season on an actual TV back in the day and just shrugged to myself, surely that it was just another show that wouldn’t matter much. Somehow it became most watched television for years???

Some people used to call it soap opera and I’m just like “I’m sorry but soap operas are good”. Yakuza I call a soap opera because it actually feels like one, that show was just boring.


*sigh* Its absurd how bad I’m down for her considering she has had like, 2 speaking lines so far in this season

probably the glasses or the lips or the hair or

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I’m sorry for the triple post but the “pulling beard off to reveal a mustache” is one of the worst reveals I’ve ever seen in my life, this is a bad show


Just saw The First Omen. First of all: What the fuck is that title. Xbox-ass movie name. Call it “The Omen: Origins” or something, don’t be cute.

Secondly, great flick! Really well-directed and the performances were all great. I tend to sour a bit on movies if they end poorly, though, and this one does suffer when it has to actually connect to the original film (and also I guess set up a sequel/side-story thing?). The final scene in particular is really clunky, feels like it was shot to be more subdued and somber and they tried to re-work it to feel more “epic” and it just didn’t work. Apparently this one contradicts the Omen sequels, and all I can say is that if you genuinely care about the lore of the fucking Omen sequels, please try investing in a franchise with a higher batting average.


Monkey Man was great especially with an understanding of Indian politics. Dev Patel is going to beat Modi to death with hammers.

That said I wish I enjoyed it as much as this person did


this is unironically the best possible review of this film I could’ve read, being also a person of Particular Interests


I started watching the Saint Tail anime. I read the manga for the first time some months back, after spotting a recent translation release of both the manga and anime by a translation group, and I absolutely adored the manga. Just super solid, adorable cat and mouse thief and detective magical girl shoujo, an absolute 5/5 that I would’ve LOVED to have read as a child. So far I’m feeling the exact same with the anime. The manga is an all timer excellent 90s shoujo manga, and 10 episodes into the anime I’m feeling the same for the anime form. It’s so eye-roll-y to say “if you loved Sailor Moon, you’ll love (insert any other shoujo ever)” but this really truly is just working in the same genre space, published in the exact same magazine, and released in the same general time period. It just has That Good 90s Shoujo Vibe and it’s just a super fun read and super fun watch.


I have been recently hooked by Game Changer. It is not often that I’m openly chuckling or enjoying game show type stuff, but this has been a great watch for me. I started last week and I’m already on season 5.


please let me win


Incredible line with incredible delivery. I need that saved as a file lmfao


god I had forgotten about this, it ruins me

I should actually watch the show instead of random clips one day


you should! It has been an absolute delight and there is plenty of good stuff outside of what gets clipped. Will say there is some raunchy/uncomfortable humor episodes in case that isn’t your cup of tea.

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This man spoke :pleading_face: in a sentence htf did he do that


with hammers you say

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this is another of my favorite clips, so raunchy really doesn’t faze me

(cw: openly talking about public/oral sex)

Brennan’s dismayed “…that can’t be right…”


I’ve been getting back into watching fg tournaments a bit, catching up on UNI and Strive on the Tampa Never Sleeps channel, because those are the two games I’ve been playing.

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def gotta get more under night time in after ramadan. who’s your main? i clicked with tsurugi immidately - used to be a wagner main, my beloved, but she feels very weird now for some reason

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I’m still on Wagner! I love how ignorant she lets me be.

That said, I’ve been thinking of picking up a secondary for variety–either Chaos or Linne, I think. Maybe Yuzuriha, but that’s kind of a difficult pick because my friend loves her but switched off because she’s too complicated; and bodying them as her would probably be too much lmao

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nice, maybe i’ll give wagner another look, might have just needed to readjust after a long time of no UN.

Linne’s pretty neat. I was gonna maybe try out Nanase but I find her very boring aesthetically and also a buddy is playing her and i’m the weirdo that can’t stand mirror matches lol

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wait, played straight??