An explanation that might make this a little less stupid, but not as much as I wish: the Viltrumites (Evil Superman aliens) of this universe sport mustaches such as this as symbols of honor, its like if the entire male population had Hitler staches. That’s this character way of revealing he was a Viltrumite “in disguise”. Which is very silly even before you consider there are other species that can grow facial hair.
Caught up with the latest episode of X-men '97 and I hate that one the things I’m thinking is how it lands all the notes that Invincible wants to, being as shocking without the excessive gore and emotional torture.
Its nearly bloodless in comparison, while being so much heavier, scarring and surprising (even though the events of X-men definitely much more well known than Invincible, especially this, and it still comes off as a strong blow)
edit: Its also insane how much this man is spitting on every single episode
I would commit an act of violence for a good quality “Magneto Was Left” shirt
But in this show, yea, absolutely, they are making sure that the characters get to mouth off, and it works really well. Magneto so far has been the standout in both Ep2 and 5, but Cyclops’ interview¹ was gold too
¹The CastleSuperBeast bit where Pat mentions how there’s someone on the team that wore a “Cyclops Was Right” shirt every day and made sure to talk in every meeting or writer’s room about giving him good scenes is so true, they’re going out of their way to ‘redeem’ the character in the public’s perception
Tried the Fallout show just for kicks. It is very bad. I’ve only watched the first two episodes, but they are some of the most awkwardly paced episodes I’ve ever seen on TV. Like, to the point of feeling unprofessional. Very unlikely to continue.
Otherwise started watching Malcolm in the Middle which is great so far!
The general opinions I’ve seen online have been mostly favorable, yea. There was one person on Cohost that wrote a long scathing post, but they hate everything, so I just wrote it down as an anomaly.
I’ll probably sit down to watch eventually, maybe it won’t feel so off to me since I’m not really a Fallout fan
LOL no no one i know but even if that were true i’d clown them for bad taste anyways, don’t be friends with me
i went perusing through the tag 'cause I’m a messy bitch and found one person that hated it but also said “nothing of fallout has been good since 2” so i might have to watch this shit myself
I think there’s a difference between whether it’s a good Fallout adaptation and whether it’s good TV, bc those are 2 different things.
I think (not being a Fallout superfan and just going off vibes) it’s a pretty decent adaptation, certainly compared to other videogame adaptations; it seems to hit the right buttons (caps?) and check the boxes for what I feel it probably should.
As for whether or not it’s good TV, well, I agree with the pacing comment, eps are way too long imo, too dimly-lit, I am personally not a fan of gratuitous ultraviolence and it’s full of that, and I don’t agree with some of the character development choices they made (I know the whole point of Lucy is that she is naïve but I don’t like the “competent woman to clueless waif” speedrun this show does).
So, about on par with other Amazon series I have watched 2 eps of and then stopped (which I think is all of them so far). If on the other hand you like Amazon original stuff, this might apply.
oh also there are giant bugs that I am extremely not a fan of