made impromptu fried chicken w/partner and i thought it turned out pretty decent but it ended up so greasy that it’s making me sick to my stomach and i barely had any =_=
Ough. The fried chicken curse makes fools of us all sometimes. Hopefully you can do it again in the future without wrecking yourself - homemade fried chicken is really, really good.
Today’s Thanksgiving spoils. I’m really happy and proud of myself, and the hard work of roommate and wife
Oh wow! Tiny shep pies
this is my favorite pie on the citade—gets flung out an airlock
i was cooking up beef for rice bowls and ended up doing all the seasoning more like beef for tacos which i thought could have been not the best thing to do but it was actually fucking delicious. i’m going to have to use the rest of our beef for actual tacos later because i need more.
was gonna make chicken tacos and then partner wanted mac and cheese so was gonna put chicken in there and then we ended up accidentally making mac and cheese and a surprisingly good chicken soup?