Gender studies, there was a whole thing last year where they revealed this and the right lost their shit.
How does gravity work?
Gender studies, there was a whole thing last year where they revealed this and the right lost their shit.
How does gravity work?
with the power of apples in trees, you can make things fall in a specific direction, so all the trees just lined up right for gravity to exist
why does the sun emit light?
it’s scared of the dark.
why do some birds fly in a V-formation?
They’re trying to help the bird in front get a date.
How are rivers formed?
Well, you get a bunch of very sad girls, and-
Sorry, sorry, it’s supposed to be wrong answers only. Rivers are formed when a very tired dragon lies down to take a nap and becomes water. Noise pollution on large waterways is a problem because you might wake up the dragon and then bam no more river.
What type of element is fire?
It’s clearly a spell-type element.
What makes squeaky-clean dishes squeak?
: The mice spirits trapped within. Dish soap is liquified mouse spirits; they lick the dishes clean when you scrub them to get all the food off. Watch the documentary series Thomas & Jeremy if you don’t believe me, it’s pretty illuminating on the subject
What’s the wrong answer to this question?
I mean, realistically, what isn’t a wrong answer? Almost everything you could say in response is wrong!
It walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening. What is it?
[Deep inhale] your MOM-
[dismallyOriented has been banned from the forum]
What’s the shortest path between two points?
The space station used to house Pepsi’s corporate headquarters, and the rocket got caught in the gravitational field of all the abandoned pepsi inside, your rottenness!
Why is water the “universal solvent”?
Cuz its really good at algebra, it solves pretty much every equation
This one for my plural chums, why are you plural?