-90% Vambrace: Cold Soul on GOG.com is on giveaway at GOG for the next couple of days, IIRC its a bit of a Darkest Dungeon-like in gameplay, though not in tone
Vambrace: Cold Soul is a narrative-driven game filled with memorable characters, brutal challenges, and deep strategy. To succeed, you must choose perceptive party leaders, camp to recuperate, navigate strange encounters, and survive deadly combat. Will you scavenge for supplies to sell or use them to craft new items for your next expedition? The surface of Icenaire is cold and unforgiving. So, prepare your party well before departing…lest you join the cursed city’s undead.
I feel like both the nominations and the actual winners of the Steam Awards are a much-needed annual reminder that the vast majority of people who play video games not only have zero taste but genuinely struggle to derive meaning from words.
I sorta remember that interview. They said something about not being for feminists or something. Didnt know they maybe had other more problematic opinions
Horrible. A crime. Is it that easy? Can i make a game about gay hamsters and get the chud vote just by saying i hate feminists?
Oh my GOD I still can’t stop thinking about Ever17. I think I might actually come back to it later, see what its like to replay and spot all the foreshadowing and know what it all means.
Unrelated, I’m gonna say it for the thousandth time… I think my next game once I finish one of the Castlevanias I’m doing is gonna be Phantasy Star 2, maybe preceded by a replay of the first game (but probably not. At the very least I wanna refresh myself on the full name of… whichever planet I forget the name of, “Mota” and “Dezo” just feel weird, when I spent the whole first game calling them Motavia and Dezoris, and its gonna bother me the whole time once I see the last one shortened and it sounds familiar but I can’t remember what the full name is)
Randomly remembered that Phantasy Star II has a bunch of text adventure prequels about what all the party members besides the main character were up to before the game starts, so I grabbed those. They are far below the main game on my priority list but I figure doing Nei’s first as a little taste test could be interesting, and then if I like it I’ll do the same for the other party members as they join/if they stand out as characters I bring into battle frequently
Oh! Oh shit! Oh shit oh fuck! My roommate just payed back all her overdue shares of utilities to me, and I just figured out what I’m gonna spend the portion I feel comfortable getting spendy with on! Looks like I’m upgrading my gba after all
Might even get a new shell for it, they do have a pretty nice Warioware design, and he has somehow become my favorite Mario character…
Damnit, no, I won’t get the gba upgrades, that just doesn’t make sense considering I’ve got this anbernic now… If I’m gonna upgrade it, I’m gonna go all out with an aluminum shell, and not only is that too expensive, its also not even in stock right now, from either Boxy Pixel or Retro Game Repair Shop… My gut says the real answer should be steam gift cards so I can stock up on VNs now that Ever 17 has reminded me how good they can be (World’s End Club, Umineko, Gnosia, Chaos;Head, Scarlet Hollow…), but for some reason the 4k remaster of Resonance of Fate is sticking out super strong as a potential grab as well, and there’s another part of me that wants to celebrate Ever17 by getting a special edition of its ps2 release, which had some extra merch, or maybe the artbook… And then there’s ANOTHER part of me that’s like… well, if this isn’t an excuse to give in and pay full price for DQ3 2DHD then I don’t know what is. And speaking of artbooks: I still don’t have any Xenosaga or Xenoblade artbooks. And only the first volume of Kazuma Kaneko’s artbooks! Damnit, why does finding money always make buying things so much harder than it is when you’re broke