Yapping About Video Games Thread

Literally yea lmfao, FFXI was an immensely social game by virtue of its game design ironically being so fucking hostile in so many ways. You never got anywhere if you didn’t talk to anyone, whether to kill time or to figure out what the hell you were supposed to do (or just to survive going from one area to the next)

This is making me weirdly nostalgic


There’s a part of me that wants to try and convince some friends to all join that FFXI private server that uses the older versions of all the systems, and doesn’t have the latest expansion or two because they’re trying to redo all the insides in a way that fits with those earlier balance and design decisions (Since its free and runs on a potato, almost completely eliminating the barrier to entry), but another part of me is like… No, that seems like kind of a mean way to incentivize group hangouts when Jackbox and Monster Prom and ttrpgs exist


idk, at this point FFXI sounds like it would be a better time than another Jackbox session :smile_cat:

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I mean, I’ve played very little of Jackbox, unfortunately, so I’m still very much in that honeymoon phase with it. I probably would avoid some of the ones that get played on streams and such more often, but I also know that a lot of the games that are really good for streaming aren’t necessarily as fun to play irl, and vice versa, not to mention group size dynamics (the 4 or 5 people, including me, who’d be playing, vs the full parties of 6+ streamers)


that’s all fair! I imagine the same would happen for me re: FFXI, though not in the way I’m tired of Jackbox. it’s an overall genre of party game I’m over, if that makes sense.


almost at the point where i last stopped playing earthbound. let’s see if i can push through (probably)


Looking at archived game websites like a total nerd, and I stumbled upon Sunsoft’s from 1996/1997. On the page are some character designs of characters from their games, with “YACOPU.gif” here apparently being Yakopoo from Trip World:
Website Yakopoo, without a tail and with derpy eyes and mouth
Who, by the way, looks like this for his home game:
Boxart Yakopoo, with big eyes, a nose, and no mouth
I’m baffled by just how different an official take on the character can be.


Twitch enforcing a 100 hour limit on the amount of Highlights/Uploads you can have, and not having a mass export function is Very Annoying.


It brings me no pleasure to admit it, but I have to: the standalone emulators I’ve tried on android are just…not as good as Retroarch. Like, a lot of them aren’t bad at all, but there are a number of minor issues ranging from frustrating to infuriating.

Redream? It’s actually pretty nice, and notably supports per-pixel transparency with solid performance. But it doesn’t support haptic feedback, and it only uses one of the controller slots – so rather than using both slots for memory cards as you’d expect, they only have the one, and they’re shared by all games (and to the best I could find, there’s no way to change that setting).

Super Game Boy? I don’t know of any standalone emulator that implements this properly. Mesen in Retroarch supports loading Super Game Boy games as easy any anything.

And heaven help you if an emulator supports multiple consoles at once. Sure, some of them like the Pizza series (which seem to be the best of the bunch of standalone emulators) support multiple folders for ROM sources, but that only covers like 5 different consoles; the .emu series doesn’t, appears to be slightly less accurate from a cursory glance at more rigorous tests, and also doesn’t always support relevant control options (seriously? no 3D pad support in saturn.emu?).

I feel like the android emulator ecosystem should be better than it is, but it isn’t, and in these cases it’s hard not to turn to Retroarch for the fact that, as is the case with a lot of consoles, it doesn’t take a lot of configuring to get it to work.

It’s not all bad, though. DuckStation, AetherSX2, PPSSPP, and Vita3K are all great. Flycast does have a standalone version that I should probably try using again just to see how it compares to the Retroarch version. NES.emu seems to be pretty accurate and easy to use. Dolphin remains, as ever, a revelation.

It’s a shame there’s nothing like Mesen-S that’s standalone, though, and it seems like I need PicoDrive for my irregular 32X cravings.


Android emulation fucking sucks. The people who work on it suck too which leads to such terrible progress. PS2 emulation is dead right now because the one guy who was doing it for harassed out of the scene. I hate Android emulation.

The Odin 2 is legit future-proof right now because there is no android emulation right now that actually fully makes use of its specs. A team is working on a Linux port for it as of yesterday and I hope it comes to fruition so I can just never engage with Android emulation again.


It honestly sounds like one of those massive crowdsourcing ARG events, with the effort of people trying to solve a destiny raid day 1 for every little thing.

I listened to the Abnormal Mapping episode on FFXI and it sounds like there was never any Dev explanation on how the game worked. It was entirely sifted through by players.


Was XI or XIV the game where square made that one bad raid boss then pulled the plug before the players beat it?

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FFXI mentioned

Time to listen to Gustaburg, Ronfaure, and Bastok themes.

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you’re thinking FF11 Absolute Virtue I think


The game Mangui is currently free to play but will move to a paid model in a few days when its out of EA. You might want to add it to your library before then.


i’m really REALLY loving hello kitty: island adventure… i know it’s like an animal crossing reskin with sanrio charas kidna but it’s so endearing and i’m having a lot of fun with it


Understandable. I believe I can run Rocknix on the Retroid right now, but I haven’t bothered with it mainly because there are several android-native games that I want to play.

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Soul of Sovereignty chapter 2 coming out on the 7th :eyes:


Apparently there’s a Path of Exile mod for Minecraft, with VR support…?

Like, what


Cool thing my friend Les did!