You have been Cursed! What have you been cursed with and why?

  • Condiments always taste slightly off; they aren’t rotten, they just taste wrong.
  • All cooked foods you eat end up slightly charred, no matter who cooked it or how.
  • You always have an inconvenient amount of coinage in your pocket. This doesn’t create money, just puts money you already have into you pocket.
  • You become a lycanthrope for your least favorite animal. If your least favorite animal changes after the fact, you become that one instead.
  • You learn that every dog ever is being passive-aggressive to you specifically. Their feelings for other people are genuine, but not for you.
  • Your sense of where your body currently is in space shifts 1 inch randomly every day. Hope you like stubbed toes!
  • Your hair is always at least a little bit damp, no matter what. It’s always like you got out of the shower a bit ago and your hair hasn’t dried yet.
  • You always have to make an additional shopping trip. You either forgot something, or something ran out while you were gone, some reason to go out again.
  • Your bedsheets always feel like they have crumbs in them, no matter what. There aren’t actual crumbs, it just feels like it.
  • You become a point-and-click adventure game protagonist. Specifically, you speak like one. You keep going “Those two things don’t go together” or “I don’t want to do that right now” or narrating random pieces of backstory about random objects. No more inside thoughts!
  • The curse of indecision! You get a random one of these curses every week. New curses override old ones.
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can I ask, are we meant to choose the curse we find the Most horrifying (the worst curse to have) or the one we would find Least horrifying (the easiest curse to have)?

for the 1 inch displacement a day one does it go from where it was previously
like in two days could it move two inches to one direction or whatever

The “condiments tasting off” one already happened to me with long-covid so I guess I pick that.


I’unno, what kinda curse do you wanna have to live with for the rest of your life?

Yup, goes from previous, but never settles back to baseline. it’ll always be a bit off

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passive aggressive dogs easy, i don’t want them around me anyways, sorry to the dog lovers


I feel like I can make the lycanthrope one work by growing to like the animal and getting a new one

E: though cursed thought: humans might be my least favorite animal


sense of space shifting because we’re clumsy enough already it probably wouldn’t make that much of a difference


The inconvenient coinage sounds exactly the amount of annoying to also be unique and amusing, I love it

Some of these sound pretty dope (I could go for my hair to feel damp all day in this heat) while others sound like something I already have (no sense of space and knocking on walls all over)

edit: Also because its not something that I’d ever bring up, I hate carrying coins of any kind, even just straight up giving them to people when I used to use money to buy things


Jokes on you, always having damp hair would actually be really convenient for me because my hair looks WAY better when its wet and I don’t wanna have to put in the effort to use hair gel to get it to stay bound together and held down like that


this is kinda what I’m asking! like should I be choosing the curse I would pick if I had to pick a curse for me, or the one my worst enemy would pick for me? :thonk1:


tfw I spot a fellow dog-hater in the wild?!?!

(I don’t hate dogs. I do dislike a lot of dog owners)


The real curse all along was that you’ve been cursed to choose your own curse


oh damn

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Me af.


That’s a surprisingly even spread for curse choices, honestly. It was a tossup between food ones but i ended up going for bedsheet crumbs

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