Youtube videos thread

We don’t have a thread for sharing Youtube videos, do we? Is this something people are interested in?? Just a “here’s a random video essay I watched that I thought was interesting and I learned something new” thread. Or a “oh shit Summoning Salt uploaded a new video!” thread LOL. I think many of us are always feeling the neurodivergent urge to have a video playing on our second monitor at all times so I’d absolutely click on stuff people wanna share.

Disclaimer that there’s a lot of shitty people and grifters doing Youtube videos out there even if their videos don’t have any obvious red flags. If someone posts a video by a creator who’s known to be shit I think it’s good to point it out but in case this happens it’s absolutely no fault of the person sharing the video. I know I personally do not keep up with the scene and I think a lot of us are just clicking videos through sidebar recommendations. Please do call it out if I do this though LOL I don’t want to be unwittingly boosting people who don’t deserve it.

Some interesting stuff I watched recently

I only learned like a couple weeks ago that there was a Kindred TV show and I immediately thought “oh it’s a 2020s streaming show so it’s probably a mess” and didn’t look into it more and then Yhara dropped this video and I found out about the absolutely baffling adaption changes. :sob: Yhara’s got a great channel in general, very horror focused, their video on the branding and fandomization of A24 is excellent.

Haven’t watched anything else from this person but stumbled upon this and everything they say about how shoujo manga is treated and talked about at large has been true for decades and still sadly continues to be true. Pretty short video but a good summary of how unfairly dismissed and underplayed shoujo is and how more people should be reading shoujo because there has always been amazing shoujo manga that has influenced many of the biggest shonen creatives without being given their due. The 100 list is very quick and shitpost-y but it’s full of classics, (and some messy shit and some wild cards lol) if anything stands out to you you should absolutely go and read it. Your favorite ex-Gainax creatives would be nothing if they hadn’t read Aim for the Ace!!!

This is not my scene at all but this was just a very fun little logistics story with some amazing footage of getting the thing moved and a lovely interview with the previous owner. Very cool old tech preservation journey.


oh this thread RULES, i’m… well not ALWAYS but i have a huge-ass watch later list on yt so i try to watch viddy essays and neat shit when i can!

i LOVE Yhara zayd’s stuff, REAL good!!

redesign your miser (this person does a snow miser ytp every day during december and has for the last several years!)

also here’s a video i have not watched yet and that is bc i want it to be the thumbnail of my watch later For Ever

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IT’S FINALLY HERE. an xmas miracle. i think i watched most of (?) it as it aired live (?) but i don’t remember like anything. everything is a delight


Funny, I was just talking to a friend this week how neither of us finished that Half-Life series because it turned into a serious plot near the end, maybe we could try this one together

This video doesn’t really bring anything new to the table but it’s a good collection of all the facets of how gacha games are predatory and just bad video games, citations of Addiction by Design included.

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this is the shit that gets me going. i love video games.


oh this game goes hard

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currently watching this despite never having seen a ghibli/miyazaki joint lol
preddy inchresting


just started this one but about five minutes in and appreciating that it even exists tbh

edit: finished yesterday and wanna say im really thankful for all the care, research, and intention turned action they put into this documentary


my childhood…

this animation style for miis is fantastic.


this video is cute

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Now I’m remembering this


warning for sudden loudness at like 2:15. this video is so fucking good

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I don’t watch a lot of new videos, but I do have a few old favorites

Simone Giertz’s Last Meals interview is a fantastic watch

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just watched these two, p good

the geller one especially like. it wasn’t anything i couldn’t have already known/guessed but man it really hammered home how fucked we are, and this vid is from TWO YEARS AGO

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Geller’s video is quite good. I also have to heavily, heavily recommend the mobile game he mentions in this one, UnearthU. I’ve only played it the once and it’s fucking Haunted me for a good while. Really well-done story and well-suited to its format.


CW for needles in thumbnail and medical info throughout. Info on DIY HRT.

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