tried and failed to capture a good image of a lizard on my way home because our camera wouldn’t focus
Here’s a picture of Liberty, who I don’t photograph a lot because she often prefers to be left alone. Every time I photograph her she makes me think that she’s what Japanese supermodel Sayoko Yamaguchi would look like as a cat
So if I ever compile an album of stuff I’ve made, I’d probably try to replicate the cover art of Aja with her
Love this large blurry friend. My favorite part of moving to the south is being somewhere warm enough that lizards are just sort of Around casually. When I was still living in Alabama, we’d regularly see them hanging out on walls and banisters. And we’d also get frogs just sitting on the house siding and windows.
My wee ball of fluff Cleo (short for Cleopatra, that was the name she had when we adopted her like… 13 years ago??? I genuinely forget but suffice to say she’s old)
Saw this rancid little dude yelling on some rando’s car during a stop on our trip.
Will have hella fish pics later…
Ohhhh i love aquariums so much. Thanks for sharing
that’s a very nice laundry but this is the animal thread???
Here is the bastard Henry after he (gross) vomited a big hairball on my desk. This little butthole will be the death of me lmao
Lola nooooo
Why are cats such buttholes (answer: because it is very cute)