How's your day going?

have a social engagement after work today and I kiiiinda don’t feel like it but I ain’t gonna cancel last second

also food & board games so it’s stuff I like anyway I’m just in that “it’s Friday and I wanna be done” mood lmao


so the storm is ongoing, and they’ve also issued a NEW yellow warning for ice/snow for tonight, but it hit 2pm and the red warning was downgraded to amber and everyone decided it was a good idea to go outside again. like the number of cars on the road shot up as soon as it hit 2pm. amazing

anyway a tree blew down outside our house and a shingle fell off our roof BUT no damage and the cats seem not too scared so I think we’re good??


The past several days have been rather taxing on me. Amidst a family emergency, a job interview, and a medical procedure, I’ve had a lot to anticipate within such little time. But I think I’ve gotten through all the particularly burdening experiences, and I was told during said medical procedure yesterday that I was doing great through it. That means quite a lot to me, because it makes me feel like I really am very resilient, and that’s what I strive for.


Was sent home from work early today, due to overtime reasons. I’m pretty glad bc as soon as I got home I went low-poly. Have finished lunch and am lying in bed with my laptop and a cat perched on my torso. She is warm :slight_smile:


my retinas hurt from staring at LEDs and lasers for the past 4 hours but we managed to get good data in the end so we ball (WE DIDNT SHINE LASERS IN OUR EYES)


:mushroom:: we got to start photographing stuff for the archeology department :D
Its just grunt work (take the objects out of their baggy, position them beneath the camera with the scale and label, focus the camera, snap photo, replace object, repeat) but its still neat to to, and the thought of the photos ending up on the online collection makes me happy
A busy day at work, but a good one :3


Was fun predictably enough, but I’m beat lmao

hope it stays that way :pray:


Had a very good day with my girlfriend, got to show her around the city and kiss her on top of a mountain. Unfortunately also had to drop 140 usd on phone repair because my 2 year old phone battery decided it had had enough. But girlfriend cuddles are currently saving my mood.


Having a very friendly post-paycheck shopping Saturday. :smile:

On my way into the city, the train conductor was so cheerful. At every stop he’d call out “ffffooooooooorrr Odenplan take your seats” and “fffffooooooooorrr Odenplan watch the doors doors closing” it just put a smile on my face. First on the agenda I stopped by the currency exchange for my trip, I was a little bit grumbly because I realized I’d put my phone number wrong on the reservation so I wasn’t actually fully sure if my money was ready or if I’d be allowed to take the reservation out. But it was absolutely no problem and the clerk was super cheery and chatty and my good mood continued. Walked around all over just buying a bunch of small things I need, dropped by Uniqlo for a new work shirt and stuff, an office supplies store, etc. I swung by a crafts store just to windowshop a bit… And couldn’t resist buying this super cute dino fabric for the children, I’m not beating the fabric hoarder allegations. :pensive: Rounding things off I went to my usual JP store for rice, and the cashier complimented my silly dinky Precure tote bag I’ve sown hehe. And finally omw home I got burger from my local meat monger.

Now gonna have a slow Saturday relaxing and sorting out clothes I’m gonna pack. :blush:


Dedicated chores day working out well. Kitchen has been largely cleaned up, and we’ve tackled a handful of bank related tasks. Realized there was an online way to get name change handled for my main bank and getting that squared away so I don’t have to drive. An absurd distance to the nearest physical location, which is entirely outside the state.

Meanwhile my other bank can just be sorted out in person with much less rigamarole on like. Wednesday

(The chores day is unfortunately why I cannae webfishing at the moment, but. IRL will do that to you :pensive2: )


slow day at work today and a client showed up with their two very jumpy kids and i let them in the back for a sec and let them see how the place works and they were very impressed by postal carts. :) kids are fun.


Aww, that’s very sweet and good

Been a slow and weird day because of recent events, but I am going to have a picnic lunch with wife and that is nice. February is when birthday things start happening and that is a thing I am looking forward to.


:mushroom:: oh huh wild, i’m having lunch with my husband today, what a coincidence

Also been a slow day bc of said recent events, but this next month is gonna be a good time, plus planning some visits with loved ones this year so plenty to look forward to


i woke up completely disoriented today, only remembered what day it was when i looked at my schedule for today lmao
the power of wearing a sleep mask?


New semester start and Holy shit one of my classes was used as a dumping ground. That room is FULL of kids with some serious behavioural issues and several students with high incident learning disabilities that are going to cause serious issues when like… the kid with autism is stimming and the kid(s) who’s an asshole doesn’t like it and decides to make it a problem…

Jesus fuck this is gonna be a long few months.

At least I was elected as one of our local delegates to the provincial union AGM in March so I got that going for me.


damn that sound like a problem waiting to happen. Hopefully it gets fixed or works itself out.

I’m sure you’re a teacher with a heart of gold and all, but admin shouldn’t be placing all the difficult students under your stewardship

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Unfortunately this is the result of full integration for our inclusive/special Ed students into regular class rooms without actually giving us funding to keep class sizes down so we can actually, you know, teach. Becaus it’s way cheaper to cut the inclusive Ed budgets and program and then if you complain about it you’re being ableist. School boards are weaponising leftist language to austerity cut.

Won’t get fixed sadly, I’ll just have to do my best and see what the hell I can do for the next few months.


oh you truly do love to see it. for christ’s sake.

Was going to head straight to bed after coming home from work today to turn my sleep schedule around for my flights tomorrow but then I was paralyzed by the returning anxiety of not putting my full first name on my flight booking… :melting_face: Now I’m here a couple hours later, managed to wind down the panic by lying back in bed and finishing my watchthrough of Big O finally, (cool show) and I put some frozen dumplings to steam in the rice cooker to revitalize myself. Whatever happens at check-in tomorrow it will probably be fine but regardless I am not going to die so there is no reason to feel like I am going to. The timing on my flights is pretty alright for the 8-hour timezone jump so messing up my sleeping plan isn’t a big deal… I will eat my dumplings and watch empty youtube calories until I become lulled to sleep.


“how’s your day going” bad

work a fuck